O.K....don't ask me why but when I wrote the title just now, the really old school country song, "Swingin'" (from the late 70's or early 80's??) just popped in my head...only with the word swimmin' instead. I had it on an old 45 record when I was little if that tells you anything. When I went on a road trip to somewhere in the south (maybe Georgia?) with my Grandma and Grandpa T., they were playing some old school country (and it was even old school for back then!) and I was hooked on that swinging song. Another thing I remember from hanging out with my grandparents at Lake Erie was a lot of fishing and Doritos and Red Pop! Good times. Can you tell this is going to be a really random Wednesdays Walk? That's sort of where my brain is right now...a little melted from the heat, a little water-logged from the swimming, and a little random from the living of life.
Anyway...that's what we've been doing the past few days in the midst of the sweltering heat...a whole lot of swimming...at my stepdad's pool and Tim's mom's pool! And...it has been grand fun. Swimming, fun, and Doritos (without the Red Pop). I just realized that the Doritos are sort of a theme. They kind of go with anything, don't they? Ahem...
I must say swimming, especially at my mother's (stepdad's) reminds me of being young and full of life. Although, I can tell that I'm not as young as I used to be because I had to wait until the water was a little warmer before jumping in. Even just a couple years ago, I was ready in late May to jump right in with the kids. Sigh...
So, without further adieu...a little swimming and a little golf extravaganza to go with the random theme!

O.K....I'm off to golf with my husband in our couples league (and it's about 100 degrees!). I'll be back tomorrow to announce the winner of our Thirty-One Giveaway...click here to enter. And don't forget, Walking With You is also tomorrow. Hope you can join us...and, even if you are not a grieving mom, if you are willing to visit the sites of the courageous moms who share their stories and offer words of encouragement and prayer for them, that would be so appreciated.
Happy Wednesday Walking!!!!
Oh my, I started having tears when I heard your song. Two Sparrows in a Hurricane! I love that song.
Nice pictures. Love the kiddos golfing!!!
This was a nice post.
Man!! That water looks soooo inviting. Tomorrow brings warm enough temps to finally swim!! enjoy those doritoes!!
The water looks nice! What golf course is that?
isn't the pool in the summer fun!? we are visiting my parents lake and the girls are LOVING it! :)
James is so cute golfing. Say hi to Poo for us when you go over there.
I love random. Just fits my personality perfectly! So thank you for being random, melted and waterlogged. hee hee
I grew up on Doritos. My favorite were actually just the plain yellow ones - no flavors. I know - rather boring, but there was something so yummy about the flavor. Do they even make those anymore?
Yeah, I remember "Swingin" I was probably a little older than you when it was popular. You're not 40 for a few years, right?
Thanks for sharing. Do you know what the Walking With You topic is yet? I like to write my posts the night before (like tonight).
The water looks so refreshing! WOuld be great on days like these - it's a stifling 92 degrees in the midwest!! You can never go wrong with a day in the pool!!
Ahhh...I miss my in-laws pond! What a great time for you to share with your kids, and I am jealous, I wish I knew how to play golf, have fun!!
Nice pictures. I'll be back to "Walk With You."
I loved that song when I was growing up! (yes, I'm in GA - HA!) And Doritos are my FAVE! I just know we'd be great friends in real life!!!! Hope you survived golfing in the sweltering heat!
Hahaha! I KNEW it! I was so totally gonna say that looked like Shady Grove in my previous comment but didn't wanna look stupid if I got it wrong! (((Doing a happy dance)))
I am kind of out of it tonight because of the heat,..,.and I am REALLY tired from having my two girlies this week.
Tomorrow is our last day with them,...and then I can catch up on things. I have just let everything go so that I could spend time playing with them.
I like it how your family golfs together. (A family that plays together,...stays together,....and better yet,...I'll insert "Prays together stays together",...and you do both, so that's good! ((smile))
I remember that "Swingin" song. Years ago my husband always listened to Country music. I didn't like country back then,..but I kinda do now.
Ok,...well this has to be all for now,...cuz I need to go to bed.
Take Care Kelly.
Love, Linda
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