For those that read my blog, you may already know that summer is my favorite season. (Not that I would remember that detail about someone else, but you may!) You may also know that we said good-bye to my precious mother in October 2006, after a grueling battle with cancer. And, you may know that with every season the missing of her washes over me anew, with fresh intensity. As always, mom is on my mind today. And I would like to share with you one of the most beautiful summer days that there has ever least in my little life.
In the summer of 2006, as the hospital bills mounted, we decided to have a benefit to help defray the costs and lift the burden from mom's (and her husband's) shoulders. I prayed and wrote several goals...praying specifically over each one. Never having hosted a golf scramble benefit, I wasn't sure what to expect. In the beginning, I was timid as I approached people, but when I saw their willingness to give, I grew more bold. Realizing that this was not about me...about my pride. It wasn't even just about helping with the money anymore. But about the opportunity to show my mother how much people cared, how loved, valued and treasured she was to every life she touched.
The journey was amazing. Almost everyone had a story about how mom had touched their lives. And I was able to share each one with her. We knew that short of a miracle, she would not live much longer on this earth. And, soon...the golf benefit became a way to honor her life. We invited non-golfers to come to the dinner afterward. And hundreds attended. Businesses gave triple the sponsorships on my tiny little goal sheet. (God's ways are higher than our ways!) I was hoping for 18 golf teams. There were 36. More than 200 additional people came to the dinner in addition to the golfers. There were dinner sponsors, cart sponsors, non-alcoholic beverage sponsors. People donated auction items which earned even more toward the cause.
Friends and family gathered, overflowing the place set aside for dinner into the pavilion and the patio. People gathered beneath the blue sky, dotted with white fluffy clouds and laughed and smiled. As I stood to say something before the outing began, I was in awe of the carts lined up, filled with people who loved my mom, our family, or who loved us...everyone who had a story. Overwhelmed with the beauty of the day. Overwhelmed at all that people were willing to give. The beauty of the day took my breath away...and I could barely speak. It was like experiencing a little piece of heaven on earth.

Mom and I had gone shopping a few days before to pick out a cute outfit for her to wear. If you know anything about us, you know that is an important detail. We had been praying that she would feel well enough to attend. And that she would be blessed as her life was celebrated. Mom and I always took comfort in joking about things that most people wouldn't. It was a way of coping, I guess. Humor is a frequent favorite way of dealing in our family. We said that we were hoping that this would sort of be like a funeral, except you're still here and we can tell you what your life has meant to us...a celebration of life. And it was indeed.
Friends from past and present came. Family joined together. There was even an amazing surprise. Mom's favorite teacher and best friend from school later married (as adults!). They had moved far away, but happened to be in mom's home town for a visit. They saw the flyer and decided to come right over. None of us had expected them, so it was a super surprise to mom. Amazing...that God wanted them to be there...and He worked it out.
I can't explain the glow of my mom's smile, the joy that shone in her eyes. The picture on my sidebar was from that day. It was amazing and beautiful. One of the most beautiful days of my life. It was as if God opened up the heavens and said, I see you dear Kathy, and you are dearly loved. I thought that this must be just a little piece what heaven is like...the joy and unity and goodness. The celebration of life. We will never forget that day...and the people who shared it with us.

The first picture above is my mom and my brothers and the kids. My brother's wife is in the picture, but Tim is missing! =( Just to prove that he really was there, the second picture above is my sweet husband and his golf team, who won the event! Tim is on the far left. I included this pic because Tim was sadly left out of the family photo, in the frenzy of the day. He was still out golfing or eating dinner...and I just said go ahead and take the pic. I so regret my hastiness now. I am horrible at realizing the importance of getting pictures for memory purposes. I am learning the hard way, though and (hopefully) won't make the mistake again!
I love that you said...."with every season the missing of her washes over me anew, with fresh intensity. As always, mom is on my mind today." And I find it interesting, MY post today is about my mom. Mom passed away in Feb. 2005, but she is right here beside me. I feel every day that she is just at her house and I can pick up the phone and talk to her. We didn't have a day like that while she was still living...after reading this....wish we would have. She had sooooo many friends and sooo much family. It would have been awesome to see. The funeral I will never forget....the church was filled to overflowing...people in the entry, people in the chapel, people in the stairwell and people in the fellowship hall...all to honor and celebrate this life of hers. As the family walked into the church, blasting us with the beautiful music of "I can only imagine", I was in awe of all the people who had come to celebrate her life, pay their respects, lift up our family, say their goodbyes. I maybe told you this before, but the last night I saw her, the pastor read the scripture about how weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning. I had cried and cried and wailed to God many nights driving home at midnight. Early the next morning, my sister called and said, "Remember what the pastor said about joy coming in the morning? Mama went home". I did not cry, but slept peacefully for 2 hours before getting on with the tasks of the day. Thank you for letting me know that I am not the only crazy one who misses my mom and thinks of her with each passing season. We were so blessed! Love, Carol
What a beautiful memory of your mother. I can imagine she was so touched that day to see everyone who came celebrate HER. How wonderful. I am glad to see the golfing benefit was successful in so many ways. That triumph has opened many doors for you. Thank you for sharing
Kelly, your post was beautiful. I am so glad that you did that for your special mom. And I am so glad that so many peoplke turned out to show their love and support.
I am like you and Carol,...and I think of my mom all of the time. It is like she walks beside me through my life. I also feel like this about my sister since she left this world for heaven in January. I always want to pick up the phone and call her,...then remember that I can't.
I love the picture of your mom "Kathy", on your sidebar. And I love the remark that you wrote with it. I can see the joy shining through on her face. You blessed her so much on that special day1
All of this was just simply beautiful,..."a little piece of heaven on a sweet summer day"!
You are a very sweet and thoughtful daughter.
Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Like Carol, I also loved how you said, "with every season the missing of her washes over me anew...." My Mum has been gone since February, 1997, but I still feel that way.
What a wonderful memory of all those people coming out to support your mother
I understand about getting pictures for memory purposes. We lost my broinlaw last november in a tragic car accident and when we were searching for pictures, there were so few of him with my girls or with my husband. We live far away and if you don't make a point to take pictures, sometimes they just don't get taken. Now, we are all much more conscious of taking pictures. Memories are so precious.
Summer is my fav season too. :) It sounds like God really blessed the golf outing. Your mom was very loved by so many! She sounds like a very wonderful person. Of course, with a daughter like you I don't doubt it!
What a beautiful, loving tribute to your mom.
What a beautiful memory of love and family.
What a beautiful story and testimony to your mom--I think her faith and love live on in you and your stories and testimony to all!!! Thanks for sharing a piece of her!
Such a wonderful memory to share - thank you. Your posts inspire me Kelly! I have always loved the picture of your mother on your side-bar, and I can see that amazing joy from her special day. What a piece of Heaven for you both that day. Love your thoughts.
What wonderful memories! I am sure that your mom is so very proud of you!! She did a great job raising you.
Thank You for sharing such a beautiful memory.How wonderful for so many people to come out and support your Mom. Your Mom sounds like she was a wonderful woman!
You made me cry (as usual). That was a fantastic day and your mom was so happy. I think we took the picture without Tim because Chris and I had to leave for that long drive home and Tim was still out on the course. I'm just amazed at how small our children were then. Time just seems to fly by.
I love that post! I was in tears while reading it. How awesome. Your mom sounds like a wonderful, fun lady. I know she is watching over you and your family, and smiling so proud over you, Kelly!
That is so wonderful, Kelly, that God gave your Mom such a wonderful day to celebrate her life while she was still here to see how many people loved her. I think you're right.....I think that love and companionship and fellowship with other people will be exactly how Heaven is. What fun our Moms must be having right now!! Oh, how I cannot wait until the day when I am reunited with her!!!
I'll bet your momma loved that. You are a special lady Kelly. I know how much you must miss your momma. I can only imagine what it must be like (and I hope I don't have to know for a long time).
Thanks for sharing about the golf fund raiser. It must have been so neat to see how many people participated. That's love.
My mom lost her mom when she was 21, right out of college..and to this day as she tells me of her mom, she says you never stop missing your mother. She cried when my daughter was born becasue she wished she could have met her. But she rejoices in know that her mother is with her savior and that her hope is in eternity. We talk of my grandma all the time. She tells me amazing stories of the woman I look forward to meeting in heaven one day...
Delighted to meet you. Found your blog via a comment you left on another, and had to visit. Your blog name caught my attention. Glad I dropped in, I'll be splashin' around for a bit.
Hugs from this missionary mommy,
Sarah Dawn
Your mother sounds like such a beautiful person. I just love the picture of her on your sidebar! Her face just radiates joy. It's beautiful.
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