I meant to write a post on the week of October 20th because that day marks three years since mom went home to heaven. I planned to tell you of the beauty of the drive we travelled along the river, to stay with her in the hospice center, as the trees exploded during the last couple weeks of her life with a rainbow of colors. I even thought of taking that familiar path and photographing the beauty so that I could share it with you. But, I didn't take the drive. Instead I'm sharing some flowers that my friend, Tracy sent to me in memory of mom...flowers with all the colors of fall...just like the ones in God's painting the day He took her home.
It is an amazing annual display...better than any painting created by man's hand. God's artwork, His glory displayed in full splendor. It was a symphony of color for the eyes as she left this earth. Each year, since she has gone, I notice it more profoundly...the last hurrah before the stark contrast of winter. During that week in October, an explosion of color...and just a few short weeks later...almost all the leaves have fallen.
Of course, the demands of life kept me from posting...and truth be told, there are several other things I should be doing right now instead of writing what is on my heart. But, even delaying this post, it has been on my mind. And, I know how this works...it won't leave my mind,until I have written it. So, here I am in all my frazzled, tired, overstretched, imperfect glory.
I have been thinking of how I was really just learning to dance, learning to celebrate the joy of being a new creation, just finding out the freedom that lies in complete surrender to the Lord. Three years ago, I felt so blessed that my cup runneth over. God had restored my joy after saying good-bye to our babies, restored my family, blessed us with a love that comes as beauty is made from ashes, blessed us with a ministry. He had blessed my relationship with my mother and restored all of our brokenness. My heart was healed in many ways. And, I was learning to dance.
Then, she left in the midst of the symphony of autumn beauty...and I drove home along the river road that night, exhausted, numb, grateful that her suffering was finally over, grateful for the promise of heaven, and having no idea the ache that lie ahead for my heart. I had no idea how hard it would be to keep on dancing without her.
The leaves started to fall the next week. I thought of the bitter irony...how the leaves are allowed to be at their most spectacular just before they fall silently to the ground in an anticlimactic end. Then, I thought that I could relate to the leaves. I had just begun to dance again, really for the first time, in many ways. And, then I started to fall.
The ache I feel for her washes over me anew with each passing season. The missing is with me daily. Even moments of precious joy are clouded with her absence. That doesn't mean that I don't feel joy...or that I don't trust in the Lord and His promises. I do. But, for the past three years, I have been doing more falling than dancing.
Don't get me wrong, there is beauty even in the falling...for when we fall, we are caught in the arms of a loving Savior. We are comforted in our sorrow by a compassionate Father. We are carried by the hands of a mighty God. I read these words from the heart of a grieving mother (Once a Mother) recently, and they struck a cord in my heart. I encourage you to read her incredible description of the falling. She ends her beautiful poem with these words: The beauty of life, too, can be found, in those moments that are out of our control. In those moments we fear most. In the falling.
I remember the times that I have found beauty in surrender...falling on faith as I stood on the edge of a cliff, surrounded by fog, taking the next step to where I could not see if He would catch me or not. There is beauty...great beauty in falling into His waiting arms. It is a place I have walked. And He has never failed to catch me. And, there is a time for falling.
Still...I haven't been dancing much...not like I was before she left. My blog-friend, Lynnette is a wonderful dancer. And, her way of dancing through life is a way that I share in my heart. It is a way I have known well...a way of living that I believe God has for us. Yet...lately, I haven't been acting on it.
My mother was just learning to dance when He took her home. I had been dancing for a little while when she left. Her dance was perfected in heaven's glory...and she dances still. As for me...I don't think it was in the plan for me to stop dancing. I'm not saying I have stopped, but...there's been sort of a limp in my step. I know some of that is just the missing of someone so dear to me, and I'm not trying to mask the missing.
It's just that I think it might be time to start dancing again. If she can see me from heaven, she and my sweet babes...I think they would agree that it's time to dance again. And, I bet my Father in heaven...the One who created me for dancing would take great pleasure in seeing me dance.
So, I am praying and venturing in with tender steps...hoping to learn a new dance...and knowing that even as I type these words, God has a plan to teach me the most beautiful steps yet...
I love reading your posts. You do such a great job.
I want to learn to dance too!
What a beautiful post. I am so honored that you included my poem. Thinking of you as you remember your sweet ones and your momma in Heaven.
Kelly, what a precious and heartfelt post. My mom died in 2005 and I miss her so much. Time heals but I find that there are still days when I long to call her and hear her voice once again. I'm so thankful that she loved her Savior so I will see her again. And I too am thankful that she is now pain free and dancing with Jesus.
I wrote about Dancing with Jesus yesterday. I found it interesting as to the timing of this post. Thank you for sharing your heart today. You blessed me so I'm glad you took the time to write.
Blessings and keep dancing,
Oh Kelly, you precious thing. You're heading the right direction and the ballroom floor is awaiting you. Because you've danced, you crave the dance floor and that's what will deliver you to it once again.
Seasons of sorrow, stress, and confusion will come... we're all there at times, but the important thing is to continue down the path towards the dance floor. The Lord is always waiting there for us.
Psalm 30:11 "Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness;"
What a touching post Kelly.
You put into words more beautifully than I ever could how my heart feels right now too. Autumn is a memory place for me as well. Your post struck a cord as I remember a dear friend of mine dancing in church some time after one of my miscarriages and the words from Jeremiah 31 sprang to mind:
"I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with loving-kindness.
I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt...
again you will take up your tambourines and go out to dance with the joyful."
I didn't feel joyful, I was pretty sure if I let go of the barre I was clinging to I'd fall flat on my face but I knew God was asking me to trust him to hold me and lead me in the steps if only I'd listen to the music He was playing and keep my eyes fixed on Him. I trusted Him then but I've been finding it hard to lately - your post has been a sweet reminder. Thank you for taking the time to write it and I pray that your heart will be dancing again soon.
lynette x
Thank you for sharing this post with us! I am glad you sat and wrote it out it all! The best part about dancing is it can be done in different speeds, slow to fast. Right now you slow steppin, soon, you will be cha-cha-cha'ing!
Thank you for giving in and writing. And thank you for describing your dance and your falling so beautifully. Fall is my favorite season and you described the reason so much better than I could have. I for one am thankful that the leaves are just as beautiful on the ground after they have fallen as they are hanging from their limbs. Comfort and peace to you sweet lady.
You always say the perfect thing... bringing so much honor to your mom. She must be so proud.
Beautiful! I totally understand. My mama has been gone 5 years and I still miss her so much. I do have my "dancing" days, but there are still the days when I want to be selfish and have her here with me. When mama left, my sister, Susie left our area of the country too and she has not been home in the 5 years since. She is coming home tonight and I am so excited. Hoping to dance....
I am always so moved by your posts. My mother passed away when i was ten years old, and I think the hardest part has been learning to accept the dance without her, and how to step out on my own. I love how beautifully written your description of Fall. That is what I associate with Samantha Grace, the fall season, the wind blowing the leaves around in circles,
I'm always amazed at how your posts touch me so deeply, bring me to the awareness of my "falling", and never fail to leave me with hope for the future. A renewed desire to dance. Thank you for your beautiful words.
Thinking of you with love. Thanking God for your mother, and her precious daughter. You bless the lives of so many.
Kelly, I am holding you in my heart tonight, and praying for you and your mother. ((hugs))
Reading this post about dancing made me think of Garth Brooks' song The Dance.
I pray that as you step back into dancing that it will be pleasing in the eyes of God. I know He'll be there to lead you when you can't remember the steps. ♥
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