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Monday, January 31, 2011

Chapter Four ~ Lies Women Believe about Sin

Each Monday, we are posting on a chapter of the Lies Women Believe book by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. This week, Nancy covers some of the Lies Women Believe about Sin. One of the things I've been pondering in preparation for this study is the fact that sin often presents itself as the solution to the very problems it causes. I wrote about this in depth in a post last year called Peeling Back the Layers, where I shared about my struggle with food. When tempted to disobey what we know God wants for us, Satan often appeals to our flesh....

"You don't need all these restrictions. Don't you just want to be free from the rules? You can have what you want...you should be able to have what you want."

The truth is that, while sin feels good at first...indulging in whatever it is we're tempted to indulge in at that moment, it leads to bondage, which is the opposite of freedom. It was the same with Eve. Satan is truly a master deceiver....and He will often promise to free you when He truly means to entangle you beyond what you could imagine.

As Nancy writes, "Though it may entertain us, play with us, sleep with us, and amuse us, its nature never changes. Inevitably, it will always rise up to bite and devour those who befriend it."

Lie Number Thirteen ~ "I can sin and get away with it."

We see this all the time, don't we? We are so bathed in mercy and grace, sometimes we take advantage of that free gift. We get comfortable in our sin...thinking that there will be no consequence or maybe underestimating the consequences. If we truly realized the cost of our sin, we would never even dabble with it.

The Truth ~
We will reap what we sow...Gen. 3:4-5, Gal. 6:7-8
If we play with fire, we will get burned...we will not escape sin's consequences...
Psalm 32:1-5, Eccl. 8:12, 12:13-14, James 1:13-15

Lie Number Fourteen ~ My sin isn't really that bad.

My friend Dinah always refers to these as "pet sins".  We get so used to them. They seem harmless. We almost accept them as just who we are....our little quirks.

The Truth ~ Every act of sin is an act of rebellion against God. Rom. 5:6-7, I John 1:5-10

Lie Number Fifteen ~ God can't forgive what I've done.

This is probably the one Satan uses the most with me. He will often parade all my sins in front of me. Something from the past I'd rather forget. Stealing my joy and confidence, convincing me that I'm not forgiven, not covered by the blood of Jesus, not redeemed by His grace. That I'm still that girl. The shame of sin weighs heavily as He spews the lies. It's not a weight we're supposed to carry....or a weight we're strong enough to carry. Instead, Jesus has redeemed us when He paid the debt for all our sins on the cross...we no longer have to buckle under sin's weight. He gave us a new identity in Him. I am not that  lost, broken girl...I am His girl. His redeemed, beautiful, covered in grace...forgiven girl.

The Truth ~
The blood of Jesus is enough to cover ANY and EVERY sin we have committed. ( See: I John 1:7)
There is NO sin too great for God to forgive. (See: Psalm 85:10 130:3-4)
God's grace is greater than the greatest sin. (See: Rom. 3:24, 5:11-14)

Lie Number Sixteen ~ I am not fully responsible for my actions and reactions.

Excuses, excuses, excuses....

We have a ton of them...especially in today's culture. We have a name and corresponding excuse for every behavior and "condition" that plagues the human race. But....but...but....there is a reason why I did it. It was my hormones, my broken heart, the fact that my needs weren't being met, I was tired, hungry, sick. Blah...blah...blah. At least that's what I'm saying to myself tonight as I think of how at times, I can be the Queen of Excuses.

The Truth ~
I am not responsible for the actions of others...
Gen. 3:11-13
But I am responsible for my own actions and choices.
Psalm 51:1-10, Phil. 4:8-9, Col. 3:1-17

Funny...this is something we tell the children at school. Interesting that we continue to struggle with this as adults! ;)

Lie Number Seventeen ~ I cannot walk in consistent victory over sin.

This one is tough. It is difficult to walk in consistent victory over the sin that plagues us. After all, we will battle our fleshly desire to sin for as long as we walk this earth. But...

The Truth is...
...we do not have to give up and assume defeat. We ARE able to have victory. We are able to "all things through Jesus Christ who gives us strength". Even overcome sins that have held us captive. We have been set free. We are not slaves to sin, but free in Jesus. (John 8:31-32, 36;14:6; Romans 6:6-7, Gal. 5:1, Heb. 10:10, Corinth. 6:9-11)

You have been set free from sin and have become slaves of righteousness...through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. ~ Romans 6:18;8:2

I have really enjoyed the wisdom and truth...and even the conviction of this study. (Even though, it's totally kicking my butt in a lot of ways!) Please share your thoughts in the comments and Blog Frog Discussion. I know many of you are behind on the reading. That's o.k...just stick with it and come back to share your heart when you're able. Next week, we will be covering an area where I struggle often....Lies Women Believe about Priorities. Yikes...I feel some conviction just typing that. It's going to be a great study! =)


Kristin said...

Hey Kelly! I am finally getting to reading this book and it's really good. I think I'm about to start chapter 3. I'm going to catch up and then come back and read your posts. :) Thanks for doing this study!

Jennifer said...

I'm behind also but will catch up tomorrow or Wednesday! I'll come back then and read and comment!

Jennifer Ross said...

Slowly but surely, I'm catching up! This was such a great chapter. I really am glad that I'm reading this book. I really enjoy reading..... I have three books I'm reading at one time. Mix that in with four children, a job and all of the house work, it's know wonder I'm behind! :)

As I was reading chapter 4, I came across a sentence that really stuck out........ "The Enemy wants to keep you in bondage to fear, doubt, and guilt. God wants you to walk in freedom, faith, and assurance of forgiveness."....... just what I needed encouragement in. ;)

Kristin said...

This was such a great chapter for me. As you know, it really opened my eyes and helped me make the connection between not asking God to make me skinny, in the same way that I should not expect God to "heal" me from anxiety. My anxiety is a choice that has very real consequences. This chapter may very well have been the turning point to getting past this anxiety. And, I can so relate to past sins that have contributed to the bondage I am still in now. It is so true that you just don't even know the results of what can happen when you choose to believe those lies.