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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesdays Together

For more information about Tuesdays Together in The Word or to join us on the journey, please visit DeeDee's blog.

Today we are experiencing one of our favorite simple gifts at the Gerken household...a snow day! And, although some members of our family are currently plagued with a nasty stomach flu, others of us are enjoying the gift of time and quiet we have been given today. Just last night, I was feeling a little overwhelmed, looking at my to-do list. I prayed with my favorite prayer partner...my friend Lynette. And, soon the Lord's peace washed over me, and my eyes were lifted from the daunting tasks in front of me to my capable Lord. God knew all along that He had the gift of a snow day in mind for us! And what a blessing it has been. Isn't it amazing how such a big, all-powerful God cares about the tiniest details of our lives?

Now for this week's reading:
The first thing that jumped out at me from these verses was from Psalm 3:3-5, But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill. I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.

Oh, how He has been a faithful shield to me...and how many times has He lifted my head. Over and over again, He is my Shield, my Rescuer, my Redeemer. Over and over again He has lifted my head from shame, from sorrow, from brokenness, from hopelessness, from despair...and fixed my eyes on Jesus, and His great love for me...His mercy that covers my sin...His grace, sufficient for each day.

And the part about sleep...I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. Also in Psalm 4:8, I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Often, sleep has eluded me when I am struggling with thoughts that creep up in the middle of the night. We can trust the Lord with the worries that threaten our peace and keep us awake. He promises rest in Him...that we may sleep in peace and safety and awaken refreshed, because the Lord has sustained us.

In Luke 5:1-11, Jesus had been teaching the multitudes, and when He stopped, He told Simon to "Launch into the deep and let down (his) nets for a catch." Simon shared that they had been fishing all night, but caught nothing. What Jesus was telling him to do didn't make sense. But, He obeyed...and when He did, they caught so many fish, their net was breaking! Then Jesus tells them, from now on they will catch men (referring to the fact that they will go forth to tell others about Jesus). And they "forsook all and followed Him." Right then and there...they just left everything, their livelihood, their boats, their lives. They left it, and followed Him.

Several years ago, when James was a baby, I worked part time, and my mother stayed with James for a couple hours a day. When mom grew too sick to care for James, we knew that we didn't want to leave him with anyone else, so we contemplated giving up my part time job. When I first sat down to see if we could afford the loss in income, it looked like there was no way it would work. We were barely making it with the money I earned (combined with Tim's income).

We prayed about it, and it really seemed like the Lord was leading me to stay home with James, and to be available for my mom. It didn't make a lot of sense, when I looked at the checkbook, but the Lord was saying to trust Him to provide. (By the way, as I'm writing this, another part of Luke relates to this story as well -Luke 9:10-17) Wouldn't you know it, I did give up that job. We refinanced our mortgage for a lower interest rate and paid off one of our vehicles. And suddenly, we had extra money every month...more than we had when I was working. In fact, it was most prosperous time we have enjoyed in our marriage so far. And, even better, I was home to care for the needs of my family...to spend time with my precious baby...and to be available for my mom and friends in need. There were so many blessings we would have missed, if we hadn't "followed" His calling. And He provided what we could never have seen. Just like with the loaves and the fishes, there was more than what we had before. He multiplied what we were given. He asked us to give up what we had for something better. It's been my experience that whatever the Lord has for me, is way better than anything I can grasp with my own hands.

Another important message: Jesus gave great importance to prayer. And He spent time "withdrawing to pray". Luke 5:16, So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. - Luke 6:12
My world as a full-time working mother in addition to the responsibilities of a growing ministry is often busy, noisy, demanding of my time, and fast-paced. There are lists of things to do, and thoughts filling my head in a thousand directions. It's hard to focus...to find the quiet. But it is so important. There were multitudes seeking after Jesus daily. And He took the time to meet the needs of those around Him, but He made the time for prayer first. Prayer had priority. Not only did He pray, but He went away and sought seclusion and quiet to truly focus during His prayer time. He is our example, and His Word reminds us, we must first seek Him in prayer before we look to our "list" for the day.

And, finally Luke 9:23, Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." It is a daily choice to follow Jesus. Daily, we choose the thoughts we will dwell on. It's a daily choice to follow His word, to make time for Him, to seek His will for our lives. Daily, we pick up our cross, setting aside the desires of our flesh to serve the One who has a far better plan and purpose for our lives than anything we could think of on our own. And, daily...if we seek Him, we will find Him...and He will equip us for whatever task the day holds. Our Lord is faithful...we can rest in the secure hope we have in Him.

Praying that you will be blessed as you daily follow Him...


DeeDee said...

Wonderful post Kelly...
And a precious testimony to the goodness of our God. He will always meet our needs.
Sweet Blessings my Friend!

Kate @ When Hello Means Goodbye said...

your words are beautiful.