Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve...You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
This quote was on my desk calendar a couple days ago. It really struck me and I've returned to it several times. There have been moments in my life when I have wondered what it would have been like if I had gone to college, received a teaching degree, or pursued my aspirations to take the stage acting and singing. I had many dreams to use my abilities for "greatness" when I was young. There was even a time before my days of teenage rebellion when I thought of becoming a missionary. Good grades came easy for me. I had a lot of talents and abilities...and what teachers would call "potential".
Instead, I became a mother when I was eighteen years old, and my entire life changed. I was a young wife and mother, and realized that the ideas and plans I had for my life would have to be put away. My little boy needed me. So, I worked as a waitress to make ends meet and Tim worked at a metal spinning shop. We worked opposite shifts so that we wouldn't have to leave Timothy with a babysitter and my mother took care of him during the couple hours our shifts overlapped.
I stayed home with Timothy and ran a home daycare for several years after the waitressing job. When Timothy was preschool age, I took a job at a local daycare and he went to work with me. When he went to kindergarten, I took a job at his elementary school as a teacher's aide, monitoring study hall, recess, and later working as an English as a Second Language Tutor and Safety Patrol monitor. We had James, and I worked just a couple hours a day while James napped, and my mother stayed with him. Then, when mom was too sick to care for James, I stayed home for a couple years with him. I took some distance education classes, earning an associate degree in early childhood education, and started teaching preschool when James was four. When he went to kindergarten, I took a job (my current job) at the elementary school again...this time assisting special needs students.
I'm not a teacher, at least not the kind with a fancy degree. I never attended class on a college campus, never starred in a broadway play, and I'm not a missionary. At least not the kind that travels to exotic, remote places.
What I am is a mother, called to teach her children about Jesus, and love, family, and life. I didn't go to college to learn to do this, but I looked to my own mother, and the mothers that surrounded me, filling me with their wisdom, love, and prayers along the way. While I don't have the paper or the title, I teach children everyday...my own and others...how to read, how to share, how to be kind, how to show love, how to forgive, how to be considerate of others, and respectful. While working in a public school, I can't always tell them about Jesus, but I can show Him to them with every act of love and kindness.
I have taken the stage...not on broadway, but at weddings and funerals, at churches, to sing... and at hospitals, to speak...not for my own greatness, glory, or gain. But for my Savior, my Comforter, my Redeemer...to act with the unspeakably humbling honor of being His hands and feet. With a message of hope for those whose hearts have been shattered, whose lives are torn into pieces, those who have been asked to say good-bye to their precious babies, I have taken the stage. My mission field is in this home, first...and for every grieving heart that crosses my path, second. I haven't walked in the remote villages of Africa, but I have walked in the valley of the shadow of death...more than once. I have walked through the fires of sorrow...through the darkness that didn't seem to have an end...through the relentless storms of pain and doubt. And I never walked alone. My Jesus walked with me through every fire, through the darkness, and through the storms. And He led me to the other side, where beauty and grace awaited us.
Why am I saying all of this? Because Jesus doesn't require greatness in those who serve Him...at least, not greatness by the world's standards. For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according the the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty. 1 Corinthians 1:26-27 If you really read about some of the people God chose to further His kingdom, you will be amazed. You see, the more imperfect we servants are, the more glory is given to our God. Because, if He could use some of us (like, for instance...me!), He could use anyone! And that just shows His power even more.
So, if you're longing for greatness, I just want to encourage you on this one thing...Serve the One who is truly great. Serve Him in the little things, and the big ones. Serve Him right where you are with what you've been given. In the things that no one sees, like keeping your home, praying for those you love...and those in need, changing the diapers, disciplining your children, loving your husband, organizing, setting aside your own plans, taking out the trash, encouraging a child, bending to tie one more shoe, smiling at a stranger. Be faithful in the little things. And, when you meet Him, He will say..."Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord." (Matthew 25:21) And everything else will seem so small compared to the value of hearing those words.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Please Pray...
Please pray for baby Cora and family...
I don't have the words to express what is on my heart after reading about what this precious family is enduring as they watch their baby girl fight stage 4 cancer. Focusing on the promise that we serve the God of the impossible...and that He's the same God who gives and the One who takes away...the same One who sometimes calms the storm and sometimes quiets the child...the same One who makes beauty from ashes...the One who comforts us in any trouble so that we may comfort others with the comfort He gives...He's the same.
Oh, Lord Jesus...show yourself mightily on behalf of Cora and her family. Carry them...
I don't have the words to express what is on my heart after reading about what this precious family is enduring as they watch their baby girl fight stage 4 cancer. Focusing on the promise that we serve the God of the impossible...and that He's the same God who gives and the One who takes away...the same One who sometimes calms the storm and sometimes quiets the child...the same One who makes beauty from ashes...the One who comforts us in any trouble so that we may comfort others with the comfort He gives...He's the same.
Oh, Lord Jesus...show yourself mightily on behalf of Cora and her family. Carry them...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
That Which Was Lost
For more information about Tuesdays Together in The Word or to join us on the journey, please visit DeeDee's blog.
I once was lost...but now I'm found.
Have you ever wondered if God really loves you? Wondered if you were even lovable? Have you ever felt forsaken...rejected...unworthy...hopeless...lost? I have felt those things...wondered those things...and I was lost. Once, I was lost in my own sin. I was held captive by fear. I believed God's promises were true, but were they true for me....me, an undeserving sinner? Me...the one who doesn't quite measure up. Could He really love me? Did Jesus really come for me? Was it true that He would never leave me?
Even after I surrendered to His call, giving Him the rest of my life, I didn't fully know the depth of freedom and love He had for me. Fifteen years later...He's still whispering His truth into my heart...revealing more of who He is. And He will spend eternity showing us the depth of His love. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. I Corinthians 2:9
This week's reading is a glimpse into the love of our Savior. The Jesus we serve...the King of my heart...He is the One who came to seek and save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10) He loves us with a fierce love. The kind of love that is unshakable. The kind of love that will hunt us down should we stray...and carry us home. (Luke 15:1-4) The kind of love that will not die...will not give up should we turn away...and will search for us in the dark places to lift us into the light. The kind of love that waits for us and welcomes us home...no matter where we have been or how long we stayed away. (Luke 15:11-32) He is the One who ate with sinners (Luke 15:1-3)...the One who died for sinners...the One who rose again that those who were lost would be found. Those who were dead would be alive. Those who were perishing would be saved.
He talks about leaving the ninety-nine sheep for the one who is lost. He mentions searching for one lost coin. He shares about a father whose love for a lost, prodigal son never died. And, in all of those cases...there is rejoicing in Heaven and on earth when the one who was lost is found again.
How much value does He place on one He loves? Immeasurable...you are immeasurably valuable to Him. So valuable, He gave His very life for you...and for me.
I once was lost, but now I'm found.
He came...
And, He found me.
For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)
I once was lost...but now I'm found.
Have you ever wondered if God really loves you? Wondered if you were even lovable? Have you ever felt forsaken...rejected...unworthy...hopeless...lost? I have felt those things...wondered those things...and I was lost. Once, I was lost in my own sin. I was held captive by fear. I believed God's promises were true, but were they true for me....me, an undeserving sinner? Me...the one who doesn't quite measure up. Could He really love me? Did Jesus really come for me? Was it true that He would never leave me?
Even after I surrendered to His call, giving Him the rest of my life, I didn't fully know the depth of freedom and love He had for me. Fifteen years later...He's still whispering His truth into my heart...revealing more of who He is. And He will spend eternity showing us the depth of His love. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. I Corinthians 2:9
This week's reading is a glimpse into the love of our Savior. The Jesus we serve...the King of my heart...He is the One who came to seek and save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10) He loves us with a fierce love. The kind of love that is unshakable. The kind of love that will hunt us down should we stray...and carry us home. (Luke 15:1-4) The kind of love that will not die...will not give up should we turn away...and will search for us in the dark places to lift us into the light. The kind of love that waits for us and welcomes us home...no matter where we have been or how long we stayed away. (Luke 15:11-32) He is the One who ate with sinners (Luke 15:1-3)...the One who died for sinners...the One who rose again that those who were lost would be found. Those who were dead would be alive. Those who were perishing would be saved.
He talks about leaving the ninety-nine sheep for the one who is lost. He mentions searching for one lost coin. He shares about a father whose love for a lost, prodigal son never died. And, in all of those cases...there is rejoicing in Heaven and on earth when the one who was lost is found again.
How much value does He place on one He loves? Immeasurable...you are immeasurably valuable to Him. So valuable, He gave His very life for you...and for me.
I once was lost, but now I'm found.
He came...
And, He found me.
For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
It would be a gross understatement to say that returning to work after being home with my children for a few years was an adjustment. It has been a drastic change, and even more so since I joined the ranks of full time employment. I remember my first week of teaching preschool...the getting up early and getting myself and the kids out the door with everything we needed for the day by 7:45a.m.
"Just put your head down and go...this is life for you now...just do what you have to do," I thought.
So..I did. And, when the first Saturday came, I woke up with the newly familiar weight of the urgency to rush and get ready to go. I sat up in bed, thinking we had to hurry or we would be late. Then slowly the realization dawned on me. "Today, there is no need to rush... no place we have to be. No deadline hanging over our heads," I thought. It was Saturday. I was so busy trying to adapt to this new frantic schedule, I forgot that Saturday would come.
Saturday...what an amazing gift of freedom. A day to refresh, to refuel, to stop and smell the roses. Oh...Saturday, my friend. There was a ray of hope that we would survive this upheaval. Every week, no matter what, Saturday would come.
Now, my "day job" is as an educational paraprofessional assisting special needs students the elementary school setting. (A fancy title for teacher's aide.) I work at my youngest son's elementary school. I like the people I work with. Some of them were my teachers when I was in elementary school! And, they are an inspiring group of wonderful people. I love the students I work with...love to see them learn and grow in knowledge...love to see them overcome obstacles and achieve goals. It's good stuff. I'm comfortable there and confident in my abilities to do the job.
As you've noticed, I also have a husband, two sons, and a ministry. If I made a list of priorities (which I think is important to do), it would look like this:
1. Relationship and walk with the Lord
2. Relationship with my husband
3. Mothering my children
4. Serving - in church, in ministry, and fulfilling work roles.
What I'm not good at is juggling it all and keeping the priorities in order. I want to paint a picture that I'm good at it. But the truth is, I have failed often in the areas that are most important. I missed my morning devotion time twice this week. My home is not organized. I am behind on all my home-making duties. Managing time...not my strength. On the mother front, I am in uncharted waters as the parent of a teenager. As far as the ministry, there is a pile of work growing in front of me...work I love...work I want to spend time on.
Put my head down and go. That has been my motto...the way to survive the demands of the day. And, I wake up often with yesterday's to-do list still waiting for today. By the time I arrive home to my family and the list waiting for me, I have given the majority of my daily dose of patience to other people's children, my time is limited, and my energy reserves depleted.
A recent post by Lynette pretty well summed up my heart's cry in this area of my life. Oh, how I long for simplicity...for order...for a mind that is uncluttered and free to be inspired and creative...a spirit that is refreshed...that I may give and serve others out of abundance. I am laying those desires at the feet of the Lord, and focusing on changing what needs to change...what can be changed. I'm asking Him to equip me with the grace to meet the needs of my family, the demands of work, and the blessing of serving Him in ministry. He is able, when I am not. He is faithful, when I am not. He is strong, when I am weak.
And for now...there's still Saturday...
"Just put your head down and go...this is life for you now...just do what you have to do," I thought.
So..I did. And, when the first Saturday came, I woke up with the newly familiar weight of the urgency to rush and get ready to go. I sat up in bed, thinking we had to hurry or we would be late. Then slowly the realization dawned on me. "Today, there is no need to rush... no place we have to be. No deadline hanging over our heads," I thought. It was Saturday. I was so busy trying to adapt to this new frantic schedule, I forgot that Saturday would come.
Saturday...what an amazing gift of freedom. A day to refresh, to refuel, to stop and smell the roses. Oh...Saturday, my friend. There was a ray of hope that we would survive this upheaval. Every week, no matter what, Saturday would come.
Now, my "day job" is as an educational paraprofessional assisting special needs students the elementary school setting. (A fancy title for teacher's aide.) I work at my youngest son's elementary school. I like the people I work with. Some of them were my teachers when I was in elementary school! And, they are an inspiring group of wonderful people. I love the students I work with...love to see them learn and grow in knowledge...love to see them overcome obstacles and achieve goals. It's good stuff. I'm comfortable there and confident in my abilities to do the job.
As you've noticed, I also have a husband, two sons, and a ministry. If I made a list of priorities (which I think is important to do), it would look like this:
1. Relationship and walk with the Lord
2. Relationship with my husband
3. Mothering my children
4. Serving - in church, in ministry, and fulfilling work roles.
What I'm not good at is juggling it all and keeping the priorities in order. I want to paint a picture that I'm good at it. But the truth is, I have failed often in the areas that are most important. I missed my morning devotion time twice this week. My home is not organized. I am behind on all my home-making duties. Managing time...not my strength. On the mother front, I am in uncharted waters as the parent of a teenager. As far as the ministry, there is a pile of work growing in front of me...work I love...work I want to spend time on.
Put my head down and go. That has been my motto...the way to survive the demands of the day. And, I wake up often with yesterday's to-do list still waiting for today. By the time I arrive home to my family and the list waiting for me, I have given the majority of my daily dose of patience to other people's children, my time is limited, and my energy reserves depleted.
A recent post by Lynette pretty well summed up my heart's cry in this area of my life. Oh, how I long for simplicity...for order...for a mind that is uncluttered and free to be inspired and creative...a spirit that is refreshed...that I may give and serve others out of abundance. I am laying those desires at the feet of the Lord, and focusing on changing what needs to change...what can be changed. I'm asking Him to equip me with the grace to meet the needs of my family, the demands of work, and the blessing of serving Him in ministry. He is able, when I am not. He is faithful, when I am not. He is strong, when I am weak.
And for now...there's still Saturday...
I'm Just Gonna
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Three Questions
For more information about Tuesdays Together in The Word or to join us on the journey, please visit DeeDee's blog.
This week's scriptures left me with three questions (which led to more questions) tugging at my heart.
1. Am I willing?
Luke 10:2 Then He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
Am I willing to be among the "few" laborers? Am I willing to follow the Lord's calling to serve Him...to tell others about Him...to go to the difficult places? And am I willing when there's little help, little encouragement, little progress, when I'm tired, when the burdens are heavy, when I'm distracted by the "cares of this world"...am I willing? Will I look away when it hurts or will I have the courage to show compassion? Will I walk with those who are walking in the valley of the shadow of death?
When I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:
Whom shall I send
And who will go for Us?
Then I said, "Here I am! Send me."
Isaiah 6:8
When He calls, will I leave everything, count the cost, and follow Him? Will I say..."Here I am, Lord. Send me"?
2. Do I trust Him to meet my needs?
Luke 11:9-13
Luke 12:6-7,22-34
Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.3.
(Luke 12:6-7)
And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows you have need of these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.
God is able to meet all my needs for today...for tomorrow...for the days to come. And He is faithful. Do I trust Him to keep His promises? Can I lay my burdens at His feet? Can I allow His peace to ease my anxious mind?
Am I ready?
Luke 12:40 Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
Luke 10:41-42 Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.
What was Mary doing? She was sitting at Jesus' feet, listening to His Word. Should my life be required of me today...should my Savior return for me...what will He find? Will He find a servant waiting, listening to His Word...ready for her rescue? Or will He find me rushing around with an anxious mind...troubled about many things?
Lord, give me a heart and spirit that is willing. Thank you for meeting my needs so faithfully. Let me never forget your promises. Keep my eyes focused on you. And Lord, prepare me for whatever tomorrow brings...for your plans, your purposes, and your promises for my life.
This week's scriptures left me with three questions (which led to more questions) tugging at my heart.
1. Am I willing?
Luke 10:2 Then He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
Am I willing to be among the "few" laborers? Am I willing to follow the Lord's calling to serve Him...to tell others about Him...to go to the difficult places? And am I willing when there's little help, little encouragement, little progress, when I'm tired, when the burdens are heavy, when I'm distracted by the "cares of this world"...am I willing? Will I look away when it hurts or will I have the courage to show compassion? Will I walk with those who are walking in the valley of the shadow of death?
When I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:
Whom shall I send
And who will go for Us?
Then I said, "Here I am! Send me."
Isaiah 6:8
When He calls, will I leave everything, count the cost, and follow Him? Will I say..."Here I am, Lord. Send me"?
2. Do I trust Him to meet my needs?
Luke 11:9-13
Luke 12:6-7,22-34
Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.3.
(Luke 12:6-7)
And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows you have need of these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.
God is able to meet all my needs for today...for tomorrow...for the days to come. And He is faithful. Do I trust Him to keep His promises? Can I lay my burdens at His feet? Can I allow His peace to ease my anxious mind?
Am I ready?
Luke 12:40 Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
Luke 10:41-42 Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.
What was Mary doing? She was sitting at Jesus' feet, listening to His Word. Should my life be required of me today...should my Savior return for me...what will He find? Will He find a servant waiting, listening to His Word...ready for her rescue? Or will He find me rushing around with an anxious mind...troubled about many things?
Lord, give me a heart and spirit that is willing. Thank you for meeting my needs so faithfully. Let me never forget your promises. Keep my eyes focused on you. And Lord, prepare me for whatever tomorrow brings...for your plans, your purposes, and your promises for my life.
Tuesdays Together in the Word
Friday, January 16, 2009
A Little Sufficient Grace Update
UPDATE: Please pray for sweet baby Harper and her mama Kelly and family...
Can I just say...I love Karen Kingsbury! Love her writing...love to read her series about the fabulous Baxter family...love that she so beautifully captured the journey of loss and grief a family endures when a baby dies...love that she cared enough to write about it in her book, Summer...love that when I read her books I can't stop, and read all night (Tim does not love that)...love her! I especially love that when I recently wrote to her to thank her for bringing awareness to the journey of families who lose a child, and for accurately representing bereaved parents, she wrote back. (It was actually her sister and assistant who wrote back...but still!) And when I shared a little about my own family's journey with her and the ministry that God has given us to comfort bereaved families, she decided to add our website as a link on her website! So, I loved her before...I love her even more now. And I'm so grateful she is willing to help us reach out to more families in need by listing our website. Her writing is evidence that she truly cares about showing the love of Jesus to those in need. If you haven't read her work, I highly recommend it. I'll warn you, if you start reading a book in the series, you will want the entire series at hand, so that you don't have to wait to see what happens next! So...visit her website: www.karenkingsbury.com (Oh...and while you are there, click on Karen's Links and look under Losing a Baby. Yeah...it says Sufficient Grace). Thank you, Karen...for taking us on amazing journeys with your characters who have become so real to us. And thank you...for caring about those with broken hearts and lost dreams who grieve for their precious babies. Thank you.
I recently also "met" (online) two lovely Christian sisters at: Mom's Moments. Thank you Melanie and Anna for the work you do to encourage and reach out to women, sharing the love and hope we have in Jesus.
Praying for...
Sweet Stacy (He Will Carry Me), for God's continued sufficient grace as He carries her and Spencer through this season of sorrow.
Megan at The Greatest Blessing...for the Lord's continued comfort and provision for all of her needs. Megan, I am so grateful for your willing heart to serve the Lord and to reach out to grieving families. He will bless your obedience.
Miss Amy at Chapters...that the Lord will abundantly meet all of her needs and that she would be blessed by the plans He has for her.
My dear friend, Dinah, who is battling cancer with more grace than I've ever witnessed. How great is our God?!
...And for so many others walking the journey of loss, hope, and healing as they grieve for their precious babies.
We were able to send out more than 135 Dreams of You Memory Books to grieving parents in 2008! Comfort Bears, made by the wonderful ladies from Helping Hands Ministry, were also given to fill the empty arms of hurting mothers. Beautiful memorial bracelets created by Marlene Carpenter were given to mothers and babies. And several babies in the United States (and a few in Canada) were given gorgeous hand made gowns thanks to the talents and generosity of Cindy Roller...babies who may not have had something beautiful to wear for their brief time on Earth otherwise. Thank you for your part in blessing and comforting these families!
What we're working on right now...
* Preparing end-of-2008 financial records for Sufficient Grace
* Preparing for Winter 2009 newsletter The Women's Edge
* Quarterly Ministry Meeting/Work Day January 23, 2009
* Will (hopefully) begin building project to create recording studio in our basement and re-start Dreams of You CD project in the spring
* Continue efforts to meet with hospitals and communicate the needs of bereaved parents and the need for tangible memories...sharing our Dreams of You Memory Book
* Looking to expand our burial/baby gown division and seeking volunteers with exceptional and preferably professional sewing ability.
* Hope to have online ordering and donating set up soon on blog and/or website
* Praying the Lord's wisdom, provision, and guidance for fundraising and possible grant options to fund projects
Please continue to pray for the needs of Sufficient Grace Ministries, as we seek to serve the Lord...offering comfort and hope to those who grieve. Thank you to everyone who has supported and prayed for us so faithfully.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort that we ourselves have received from God. ~ 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Can I just say...I love Karen Kingsbury! Love her writing...love to read her series about the fabulous Baxter family...love that she so beautifully captured the journey of loss and grief a family endures when a baby dies...love that she cared enough to write about it in her book, Summer...love that when I read her books I can't stop, and read all night (Tim does not love that)...love her! I especially love that when I recently wrote to her to thank her for bringing awareness to the journey of families who lose a child, and for accurately representing bereaved parents, she wrote back. (It was actually her sister and assistant who wrote back...but still!) And when I shared a little about my own family's journey with her and the ministry that God has given us to comfort bereaved families, she decided to add our website as a link on her website! So, I loved her before...I love her even more now. And I'm so grateful she is willing to help us reach out to more families in need by listing our website. Her writing is evidence that she truly cares about showing the love of Jesus to those in need. If you haven't read her work, I highly recommend it. I'll warn you, if you start reading a book in the series, you will want the entire series at hand, so that you don't have to wait to see what happens next! So...visit her website: www.karenkingsbury.com (Oh...and while you are there, click on Karen's Links and look under Losing a Baby. Yeah...it says Sufficient Grace). Thank you, Karen...for taking us on amazing journeys with your characters who have become so real to us. And thank you...for caring about those with broken hearts and lost dreams who grieve for their precious babies. Thank you.
I recently also "met" (online) two lovely Christian sisters at: Mom's Moments. Thank you Melanie and Anna for the work you do to encourage and reach out to women, sharing the love and hope we have in Jesus.
Praying for...
Sweet Stacy (He Will Carry Me), for God's continued sufficient grace as He carries her and Spencer through this season of sorrow.
Megan at The Greatest Blessing...for the Lord's continued comfort and provision for all of her needs. Megan, I am so grateful for your willing heart to serve the Lord and to reach out to grieving families. He will bless your obedience.
Miss Amy at Chapters...that the Lord will abundantly meet all of her needs and that she would be blessed by the plans He has for her.
My dear friend, Dinah, who is battling cancer with more grace than I've ever witnessed. How great is our God?!
...And for so many others walking the journey of loss, hope, and healing as they grieve for their precious babies.
We were able to send out more than 135 Dreams of You Memory Books to grieving parents in 2008! Comfort Bears, made by the wonderful ladies from Helping Hands Ministry, were also given to fill the empty arms of hurting mothers. Beautiful memorial bracelets created by Marlene Carpenter were given to mothers and babies. And several babies in the United States (and a few in Canada) were given gorgeous hand made gowns thanks to the talents and generosity of Cindy Roller...babies who may not have had something beautiful to wear for their brief time on Earth otherwise. Thank you for your part in blessing and comforting these families!
What we're working on right now...
* Preparing end-of-2008 financial records for Sufficient Grace
* Preparing for Winter 2009 newsletter The Women's Edge
* Quarterly Ministry Meeting/Work Day January 23, 2009
* Will (hopefully) begin building project to create recording studio in our basement and re-start Dreams of You CD project in the spring
* Continue efforts to meet with hospitals and communicate the needs of bereaved parents and the need for tangible memories...sharing our Dreams of You Memory Book
* Looking to expand our burial/baby gown division and seeking volunteers with exceptional and preferably professional sewing ability.
* Hope to have online ordering and donating set up soon on blog and/or website
* Praying the Lord's wisdom, provision, and guidance for fundraising and possible grant options to fund projects
Please continue to pray for the needs of Sufficient Grace Ministries, as we seek to serve the Lord...offering comfort and hope to those who grieve. Thank you to everyone who has supported and prayed for us so faithfully.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort that we ourselves have received from God. ~ 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Sufficient Grace Ministries
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Tuesdays Together
For more information about Tuesdays Together in The Word or to join us on the journey, please visit DeeDee's blog.
Today we are experiencing one of our favorite simple gifts at the Gerken household...a snow day! And, although some members of our family are currently plagued with a nasty stomach flu, others of us are enjoying the gift of time and quiet we have been given today. Just last night, I was feeling a little overwhelmed, looking at my to-do list. I prayed with my favorite prayer partner...my friend Lynette. And, soon the Lord's peace washed over me, and my eyes were lifted from the daunting tasks in front of me to my capable Lord. God knew all along that He had the gift of a snow day in mind for us! And what a blessing it has been. Isn't it amazing how such a big, all-powerful God cares about the tiniest details of our lives?
Now for this week's reading:
The first thing that jumped out at me from these verses was from Psalm 3:3-5, But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill. I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.
Oh, how He has been a faithful shield to me...and how many times has He lifted my head. Over and over again, He is my Shield, my Rescuer, my Redeemer. Over and over again He has lifted my head from shame, from sorrow, from brokenness, from hopelessness, from despair...and fixed my eyes on Jesus, and His great love for me...His mercy that covers my sin...His grace, sufficient for each day.
And the part about sleep...I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. Also in Psalm 4:8, I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Often, sleep has eluded me when I am struggling with thoughts that creep up in the middle of the night. We can trust the Lord with the worries that threaten our peace and keep us awake. He promises rest in Him...that we may sleep in peace and safety and awaken refreshed, because the Lord has sustained us.
In Luke 5:1-11, Jesus had been teaching the multitudes, and when He stopped, He told Simon to "Launch into the deep and let down (his) nets for a catch." Simon shared that they had been fishing all night, but caught nothing. What Jesus was telling him to do didn't make sense. But, He obeyed...and when He did, they caught so many fish, their net was breaking! Then Jesus tells them, from now on they will catch men (referring to the fact that they will go forth to tell others about Jesus). And they "forsook all and followed Him." Right then and there...they just left everything, their livelihood, their boats, their lives. They left it, and followed Him.
Several years ago, when James was a baby, I worked part time, and my mother stayed with James for a couple hours a day. When mom grew too sick to care for James, we knew that we didn't want to leave him with anyone else, so we contemplated giving up my part time job. When I first sat down to see if we could afford the loss in income, it looked like there was no way it would work. We were barely making it with the money I earned (combined with Tim's income).
We prayed about it, and it really seemed like the Lord was leading me to stay home with James, and to be available for my mom. It didn't make a lot of sense, when I looked at the checkbook, but the Lord was saying to trust Him to provide. (By the way, as I'm writing this, another part of Luke relates to this story as well -Luke 9:10-17) Wouldn't you know it, I did give up that job. We refinanced our mortgage for a lower interest rate and paid off one of our vehicles. And suddenly, we had extra money every month...more than we had when I was working. In fact, it was most prosperous time we have enjoyed in our marriage so far. And, even better, I was home to care for the needs of my family...to spend time with my precious baby...and to be available for my mom and friends in need. There were so many blessings we would have missed, if we hadn't "followed" His calling. And He provided what we could never have seen. Just like with the loaves and the fishes, there was more than what we had before. He multiplied what we were given. He asked us to give up what we had for something better. It's been my experience that whatever the Lord has for me, is way better than anything I can grasp with my own hands.
Another important message: Jesus gave great importance to prayer. And He spent time "withdrawing to pray". Luke 5:16, So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. - Luke 6:12
My world as a full-time working mother in addition to the responsibilities of a growing ministry is often busy, noisy, demanding of my time, and fast-paced. There are lists of things to do, and thoughts filling my head in a thousand directions. It's hard to focus...to find the quiet. But it is so important. There were multitudes seeking after Jesus daily. And He took the time to meet the needs of those around Him, but He made the time for prayer first. Prayer had priority. Not only did He pray, but He went away and sought seclusion and quiet to truly focus during His prayer time. He is our example, and His Word reminds us, we must first seek Him in prayer before we look to our "list" for the day.
And, finally Luke 9:23, Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." It is a daily choice to follow Jesus. Daily, we choose the thoughts we will dwell on. It's a daily choice to follow His word, to make time for Him, to seek His will for our lives. Daily, we pick up our cross, setting aside the desires of our flesh to serve the One who has a far better plan and purpose for our lives than anything we could think of on our own. And, daily...if we seek Him, we will find Him...and He will equip us for whatever task the day holds. Our Lord is faithful...we can rest in the secure hope we have in Him.
Praying that you will be blessed as you daily follow Him...
Today we are experiencing one of our favorite simple gifts at the Gerken household...a snow day! And, although some members of our family are currently plagued with a nasty stomach flu, others of us are enjoying the gift of time and quiet we have been given today. Just last night, I was feeling a little overwhelmed, looking at my to-do list. I prayed with my favorite prayer partner...my friend Lynette. And, soon the Lord's peace washed over me, and my eyes were lifted from the daunting tasks in front of me to my capable Lord. God knew all along that He had the gift of a snow day in mind for us! And what a blessing it has been. Isn't it amazing how such a big, all-powerful God cares about the tiniest details of our lives?
Now for this week's reading:
The first thing that jumped out at me from these verses was from Psalm 3:3-5, But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill. I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.
Oh, how He has been a faithful shield to me...and how many times has He lifted my head. Over and over again, He is my Shield, my Rescuer, my Redeemer. Over and over again He has lifted my head from shame, from sorrow, from brokenness, from hopelessness, from despair...and fixed my eyes on Jesus, and His great love for me...His mercy that covers my sin...His grace, sufficient for each day.
And the part about sleep...I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. Also in Psalm 4:8, I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Often, sleep has eluded me when I am struggling with thoughts that creep up in the middle of the night. We can trust the Lord with the worries that threaten our peace and keep us awake. He promises rest in Him...that we may sleep in peace and safety and awaken refreshed, because the Lord has sustained us.
In Luke 5:1-11, Jesus had been teaching the multitudes, and when He stopped, He told Simon to "Launch into the deep and let down (his) nets for a catch." Simon shared that they had been fishing all night, but caught nothing. What Jesus was telling him to do didn't make sense. But, He obeyed...and when He did, they caught so many fish, their net was breaking! Then Jesus tells them, from now on they will catch men (referring to the fact that they will go forth to tell others about Jesus). And they "forsook all and followed Him." Right then and there...they just left everything, their livelihood, their boats, their lives. They left it, and followed Him.
Several years ago, when James was a baby, I worked part time, and my mother stayed with James for a couple hours a day. When mom grew too sick to care for James, we knew that we didn't want to leave him with anyone else, so we contemplated giving up my part time job. When I first sat down to see if we could afford the loss in income, it looked like there was no way it would work. We were barely making it with the money I earned (combined with Tim's income).
We prayed about it, and it really seemed like the Lord was leading me to stay home with James, and to be available for my mom. It didn't make a lot of sense, when I looked at the checkbook, but the Lord was saying to trust Him to provide. (By the way, as I'm writing this, another part of Luke relates to this story as well -Luke 9:10-17) Wouldn't you know it, I did give up that job. We refinanced our mortgage for a lower interest rate and paid off one of our vehicles. And suddenly, we had extra money every month...more than we had when I was working. In fact, it was most prosperous time we have enjoyed in our marriage so far. And, even better, I was home to care for the needs of my family...to spend time with my precious baby...and to be available for my mom and friends in need. There were so many blessings we would have missed, if we hadn't "followed" His calling. And He provided what we could never have seen. Just like with the loaves and the fishes, there was more than what we had before. He multiplied what we were given. He asked us to give up what we had for something better. It's been my experience that whatever the Lord has for me, is way better than anything I can grasp with my own hands.
Another important message: Jesus gave great importance to prayer. And He spent time "withdrawing to pray". Luke 5:16, So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. - Luke 6:12
My world as a full-time working mother in addition to the responsibilities of a growing ministry is often busy, noisy, demanding of my time, and fast-paced. There are lists of things to do, and thoughts filling my head in a thousand directions. It's hard to focus...to find the quiet. But it is so important. There were multitudes seeking after Jesus daily. And He took the time to meet the needs of those around Him, but He made the time for prayer first. Prayer had priority. Not only did He pray, but He went away and sought seclusion and quiet to truly focus during His prayer time. He is our example, and His Word reminds us, we must first seek Him in prayer before we look to our "list" for the day.
And, finally Luke 9:23, Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." It is a daily choice to follow Jesus. Daily, we choose the thoughts we will dwell on. It's a daily choice to follow His word, to make time for Him, to seek His will for our lives. Daily, we pick up our cross, setting aside the desires of our flesh to serve the One who has a far better plan and purpose for our lives than anything we could think of on our own. And, daily...if we seek Him, we will find Him...and He will equip us for whatever task the day holds. Our Lord is faithful...we can rest in the secure hope we have in Him.
Praying that you will be blessed as you daily follow Him...
Tuesdays Together in the Word
Saturday, January 10, 2009
White as Snow

There is a pristine blanket of untouched snow outside my window this morning. At work yesterday, I watched the snow falling outside all afternoon. It was the same kind of snow on that first snowfall of the year, twelve years ago. The same type of big, fluffy beautiful, perfect snowflakes that fell silently as my Faith and Grace were born silently. Every time it snows like that, I remember them, and receive anew the gift that they have been to my life.
As I sat in the hall noticing the snow for a moment, a co-worker said, "Beautiful, isn't it?" I closed my eyes and saw the beauty of my girls' faces and agreed, "Yes... beautiful....perfect."
There's something about snow that seems like a gift straight from heaven. It is so white and pure, so filled with possibility, so miraculous. I like to think of those I love who are in Heaven's glory, dancing with Jesus in their perfect home full of beauty that my eyes have yet to see. They were my glimpse into what eternity holds. I was the woman blessed among women to hold them as He brushed past me to take them home. And I was there when the miracle happened each time. I was there when He took sweet Faith and Grace, so silently and sent the snowfall to blanket my storm with His perfect peace. I was there when He brushed past me so closely I could have touched the hem of His garment and He carried my Thomas from my arms to His, leaving me with songs of praise on my lips, peace in my heart, and the evidence of His sufficient grace shining in my eyes.
And I was there when my mother suffered more than I knew anyone could, as she walked through the valley of the shadow of death. This time, I felt the strength and darkness of death like never before. The ashes before the beauty. The storm before He comes. The agony and suffering. All of it wrestling to take the life of my beautiful, precious little mother. I watched death steal her life one breath at a time. I was there to hold her, to pray for her, to read His word, to sing of His promises...but I wondered if He would come. Would He come to take her home? Would He carry her like I promised? How long would He leave us here? And I was there when He came. The moment she left this earth with all of it's sickness, sorrow, and pain to enter paradise with Her King, I was there. For each of those most dear to me who have left this earth, I have had the privilege of being there as they took their last breath here, and their first in Heaven's glory. Thank you, Lord for that gift. Thank you, for your faithful promises.
Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow...
Isaiah 1:18
This morning, I look at the snow and feel His peace quiet me once more. The promise of His forgiveness. The hope of His promises. The new mercies that await each morning. The sufficient grace that carries us through each day. Beneath the snow, it's muddy and brown...all the splendor and color of Spring's new life dead for a season...like us, before we were washed clean by the blood of Jesus...dirty and dead in our sin. And He came to rescue and breathe new life into us...to cleanse us with His sacrifice and cover us in a blanket of pure white snow. May you feel His peace wash over you today, and may His promises give you hope.
Eye has not see, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.
1 Corinthians 2:9
beauty from ashes,
encouraging women,
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Tuesdays Together (in the Word)
To learn more about Tuesdays Together or to join us on the journey, please visit DeeDee's blog: Tuesdays Together in the Word
The verses that really spoke to me in this week's readings are those with the message of God's promises for us...the hope and assurance we have in Him.
Let's begin with the greatest promise of all in Luke 1:31-33 - And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end. Never did a promise bring such hope as that of the coming of our Savior, our Lord, and our King. He came...He came to save us.
And in Luke 1:37 - For with God nothing will be impossible. The promise that Elizabeth, who had been barren, would be blessed with a child. The same God of the "impossible" who made and kept that promise so many years ago can still do the impossible in our lives. I've seen it happen more than once...in my own life...in the lives of those that I love. I've seen Him heal the hearts of more than one mother asked to say good-bye to her babies. I've seen Him not only mend marriages that were beyond repair, but grow them into something beautiful and amazing and filled with the kind of love that will outlast the storms of this life. I've seen hard hearts softened. Broken hearts mended. Trespasses forgiven. Those who were lost...suddenly found. Music of worship and praise where once there was only the sound of clanging symbols. A family together that was once scattered in pieces. Joy where sorrow once lived. Hope in place of hopelessness. There's more...so much more that I've seen Him do... too much to list. And I can't wait to see what else He has planned!
Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. - Luke 1:45
For He who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy is His name. - Luke 1:49
Really...Mary's entire song of praise is beautiful, and touches my heart. God is so faithful to do "exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ask or imagine." His love, His mercy, His grace... the way he makes beauty from ashes in our lives...overwhelms me.
The promises in Psalms for those "whose delight is in the law of the Lord"...those who "meditate on His law day and night"... He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season. Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper. (Psalm 1:3) And...Proverbs 1:33 - But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil. We are secure in His promises. He will meet our needs. He will grow us. He will feed us. He will protect and provide for us. We have nothing to fear when we trust our loving, faithful God...our God, who is more than able to abundantly meet all of our needs.
Thank you, Lord for your beautiful promises to us...and thank You for the power of Your word.
May you find hope and comfort in God's word today...and may He bless you with His sufficient grace for whatever you face today and in the days to come.
The verses that really spoke to me in this week's readings are those with the message of God's promises for us...the hope and assurance we have in Him.
Let's begin with the greatest promise of all in Luke 1:31-33 - And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end. Never did a promise bring such hope as that of the coming of our Savior, our Lord, and our King. He came...He came to save us.
And in Luke 1:37 - For with God nothing will be impossible. The promise that Elizabeth, who had been barren, would be blessed with a child. The same God of the "impossible" who made and kept that promise so many years ago can still do the impossible in our lives. I've seen it happen more than once...in my own life...in the lives of those that I love. I've seen Him heal the hearts of more than one mother asked to say good-bye to her babies. I've seen Him not only mend marriages that were beyond repair, but grow them into something beautiful and amazing and filled with the kind of love that will outlast the storms of this life. I've seen hard hearts softened. Broken hearts mended. Trespasses forgiven. Those who were lost...suddenly found. Music of worship and praise where once there was only the sound of clanging symbols. A family together that was once scattered in pieces. Joy where sorrow once lived. Hope in place of hopelessness. There's more...so much more that I've seen Him do... too much to list. And I can't wait to see what else He has planned!
Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. - Luke 1:45
For He who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy is His name. - Luke 1:49
Really...Mary's entire song of praise is beautiful, and touches my heart. God is so faithful to do "exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ask or imagine." His love, His mercy, His grace... the way he makes beauty from ashes in our lives...overwhelms me.
The promises in Psalms for those "whose delight is in the law of the Lord"...those who "meditate on His law day and night"... He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season. Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper. (Psalm 1:3) And...Proverbs 1:33 - But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil. We are secure in His promises. He will meet our needs. He will grow us. He will feed us. He will protect and provide for us. We have nothing to fear when we trust our loving, faithful God...our God, who is more than able to abundantly meet all of our needs.
Thank you, Lord for your beautiful promises to us...and thank You for the power of Your word.
May you find hope and comfort in God's word today...and may He bless you with His sufficient grace for whatever you face today and in the days to come.
Tuesdays Together in the Word
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The words New Year's Resolution make me cringe. Never been a fan of the idea of making a bunch of promises based on my own performance, abilities, or will power. (If you are a New Year's Resolution Maker, please do not take offense...I wish you success in your endeavors. It's just not for me.) Words I do like are New Beginnings...With God's Grace, Possibilities, New Creation in Jesus, New Mercies Every Morning.
We serve a God of new beginnings...a God of endless, abundant, sufficient grace to cover our weaknesses, our sin, our failures and to carry us through the challenges and sorrows of each day.
And we trust through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God...
~2 Corinthians 3:4-5
And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." ~2 Corinthians 12:9
We serve a God with a plan, a promise, and a purpose for our lives...Endless Possibilities...He has plans for us in 2009...big plans, good plans.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ~Ephesians 2:10
We serve the One who works tirelessly in us to make us a new creation in Jesus...and He will not stop working until the job is complete...until all that was broken is fully restored, until every hurt and disappointment is healed, until we are set free from every bondage, until we are home with Him, and those we love who have gone before us...one sweet day! He will not stop.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. ~2 Corinthians 5:17
...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ... ~ Philippians 1:6
For all the failing, stumbling, and falling we have done in 2008 and for all the failing, stumbling, and falling we have yet to do...there is a promise of new mercies every morning. Everyday, a clean slate...a new beginning. We are starting a new year with new hopes and possibilities. We will not always meet our goals...but everyday holds the possibility of a second chance. And we are covered with His grace and mercy. God is faithful when we are faithless, and our hope rests securely in Him.
Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compasssions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
"The Lord is my portion," says my soul,
"Therefore I hope in Him!"
~Lamentations 3:22-24
There just aren't enough words to express the depth of God's all sufficient grace. But, as I reflect on this past year, I see a continued journey with a gracious Savior, and instead of victories and failures I see a process of learning. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and experience a new beginning and more of God's amazing, sufficient grace. If we are His children, we are a new creation in Christ Jesus, and that is what God sees. That is how we should learn to view ourselves, placing our confidence completely in Him. Maybe, that's the problem with resolutions. They make it seem like we have some power or control over what the next year holds. We really don't know what tomorrow has in store for us, but we know with a blessed assurance Who holds tomorrow. So who needs resolutions? Let the adventure begin!
Some Prayers and Possibilities for 2009...
-That we at Sufficient Grace Ministries would continue to serve the Lord, in unity, through prayer, and with humility, trusting Him to be our guide.
-The Lord's continued wisdom, guidance, and provision both for the ministry and our daily family life.
-That the message of God's comfort and hope would reach more families who are grieving the loss of their precious babies...that each family's needs would be met...and that He would carry them through their sorrow to a season of joy and restoration.
-For our continued efforts to create a CD that brings glory to the Lord, meets the needs of those we serve and is a blessing to others. (For those who have asked, we have yet to get a result we are happy with for our Dreams of You CD and are scrapping the project and starting from scratch. It has been a labor of love for a few years, now...and we haven't given up. We are currently seeking to build a studio in our basement and begin working on the project once more. We covet your prayers for this project so close to our hearts.)
-That the Lord would provide those with willing hearts to serve with us in this ministry and that He would continue to bless and keep those who already do. (You know who you are...and we are so thankful for you.)
-Guidance and protection for our family and for Tim and I as we make decisions about work, finances, and service in ministry together. Open doors and opportunities...provision...that we would seek His will for our lives...that our desires would be in line with His desires for our life.
Blessings to all of you in the coming year...enjoy today's new beginning.
We serve a God of new beginnings...a God of endless, abundant, sufficient grace to cover our weaknesses, our sin, our failures and to carry us through the challenges and sorrows of each day.
And we trust through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God...
~2 Corinthians 3:4-5
And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." ~2 Corinthians 12:9
We serve a God with a plan, a promise, and a purpose for our lives...Endless Possibilities...He has plans for us in 2009...big plans, good plans.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ~Ephesians 2:10
We serve the One who works tirelessly in us to make us a new creation in Jesus...and He will not stop working until the job is complete...until all that was broken is fully restored, until every hurt and disappointment is healed, until we are set free from every bondage, until we are home with Him, and those we love who have gone before us...one sweet day! He will not stop.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. ~2 Corinthians 5:17
...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ... ~ Philippians 1:6
For all the failing, stumbling, and falling we have done in 2008 and for all the failing, stumbling, and falling we have yet to do...there is a promise of new mercies every morning. Everyday, a clean slate...a new beginning. We are starting a new year with new hopes and possibilities. We will not always meet our goals...but everyday holds the possibility of a second chance. And we are covered with His grace and mercy. God is faithful when we are faithless, and our hope rests securely in Him.
Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compasssions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
"The Lord is my portion," says my soul,
"Therefore I hope in Him!"
~Lamentations 3:22-24
There just aren't enough words to express the depth of God's all sufficient grace. But, as I reflect on this past year, I see a continued journey with a gracious Savior, and instead of victories and failures I see a process of learning. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and experience a new beginning and more of God's amazing, sufficient grace. If we are His children, we are a new creation in Christ Jesus, and that is what God sees. That is how we should learn to view ourselves, placing our confidence completely in Him. Maybe, that's the problem with resolutions. They make it seem like we have some power or control over what the next year holds. We really don't know what tomorrow has in store for us, but we know with a blessed assurance Who holds tomorrow. So who needs resolutions? Let the adventure begin!
Some Prayers and Possibilities for 2009...
-That we at Sufficient Grace Ministries would continue to serve the Lord, in unity, through prayer, and with humility, trusting Him to be our guide.
-The Lord's continued wisdom, guidance, and provision both for the ministry and our daily family life.
-That the message of God's comfort and hope would reach more families who are grieving the loss of their precious babies...that each family's needs would be met...and that He would carry them through their sorrow to a season of joy and restoration.
-For our continued efforts to create a CD that brings glory to the Lord, meets the needs of those we serve and is a blessing to others. (For those who have asked, we have yet to get a result we are happy with for our Dreams of You CD and are scrapping the project and starting from scratch. It has been a labor of love for a few years, now...and we haven't given up. We are currently seeking to build a studio in our basement and begin working on the project once more. We covet your prayers for this project so close to our hearts.)
-That the Lord would provide those with willing hearts to serve with us in this ministry and that He would continue to bless and keep those who already do. (You know who you are...and we are so thankful for you.)
-Guidance and protection for our family and for Tim and I as we make decisions about work, finances, and service in ministry together. Open doors and opportunities...provision...that we would seek His will for our lives...that our desires would be in line with His desires for our life.
Blessings to all of you in the coming year...enjoy today's new beginning.
encouraging women,
trusting God
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