
If you are new to our site, this blog is sort of a hodge podge of our ministry and family life, and whatever else God lays on my heart to share. The Home Page above will link you to our Sufficient Grace Ministries page. You can read more about the 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and the outreaches of this ministry whose mission is to offer comfort and hope to grieving parents. The Blog button brings you to the page you are currently reading, featuring a variety of subjects...some ministry updates, some family news, and some biblically-based encouragement. The Walking With You page is a place for bereaved parents who have lost a baby or child to find encouragement and hope. It is an online support group created so that families would know they are not walking this path alone. On the Dreams of You Shop page, you can learn more about the products and services we offer, place an order, or sponsor a family. The Encouraging Women blog is a work in progress. There, we hope to offer biblically-based encouragement to all women. The Resource page has been newly updated with a list of resources that are helpful for grieving parents. Our blogroll is also located on this page. Thank you so much for visiting our site. Blessings to you...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Real Life is Messy and Imperfect....And Other Stuff I'd Like to Share

Real life is messy and imperfect.

And, so am I.

And that's O.K.

God has been working in my heart, teaching me a new song. And, I think I'm really starting to embrace what He is doing in my life. It is all about sweet freedom from the expectations we sometimes put on ourselves and others...even the expectations we have about this life.

I weigh more than I want to...because I love food.

A lot.

I'm working on that...sometimes. I should say, I'm working on getting out of the way and letting God work in my life to free me of my unhealthy attitudes about food. Sometimes. And other times, I'm drinking Pepsi and eating a handful of Doritos.

My emotions are messy and out of whack. I'm learning to go with it, and pray through it. Embracing the crazy when necessary, and leaning on the strong shoulders of my husband when necessary...pulling myself up by my bootstraps and doing the next thing, when I must.

And that's o.k., too. I don't have to have it all together. God takes me just as I am, and He is able to shape and mold me...to carry me and all my broken pieces...to make something beautiful out of all my ugly.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if we could just be.....just be whatever we are meant to be, think, feel....for that moment, and allow God's grace to pour over us where we fall short? Just embrace whatever God is bringing or allowing into our lives for today. Maybe you already have learned to embrace that freedom, to lay it all down at His feet...the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have not...but I'm working on it.

Less guilt and more embracing. Less regret over what isn't and more gratefulness over what is.

Yesterday was the fourteenth (heavenly) birthday of our baby girls, Faith and Grace. I wanted to buy pink balloons and do a release like we had done for Thomas' birthday. Since, you know, it has taken me fourteen years to think of such a thing. I even thought about making pink cupcakes to feed to the boys in this house. And myself, of course. (Have I mentioned I never met a cupcake I didn't like?)

We've had a few days of the flu here, which has put a damper on life in general and most of my plans and expectations....like getting SGM shipments to grieving families, balancing the checkbook, paying bills, cleaning the house, etc. I returned to work yesterday, after a day of wallowing in bed to recover. And, the balloons were never ordered. The cupcakes were never baked. I came home from work grumpy and growly over who-knows-what. I grumped and growled at Timothy and scowled at the world for a few minutes before the boys both decided to launch into an all out tease-fest until I relented and laughed, despite myself.

Even when I released the grumpy attitude, I decided I really didn't feel like doing a balloon release. I just wanted to lay on my bed and talk to Tim about life, dream some dreams with him, remember a little, talk to the kids about what life would be like if Faith and Grace and Thomas were here. Yikes, five children living in this tiny house! Laugh some more at their ideas. I just wanted to be. For some reason, imperfect seemed more fitting for yesterday than a pretty balloon release and pink cupcakes. And, that's o.k. Why not? That's who were are, at least for today...and that's what seemed best for the moment. Some random day, I may just do a balloon release...or maybe on another birthday...or maybe not. In heaven, I'm sure that their celebration was perfect. But, here on earth...nothing is.

Thanks to Crystal and Calvin, though, my girls still had cupcakes. Love you, girl!
In other news...

I found out the reason that I am literally allergic to exercise and break out in excruciating hives and horrible itching whenever I try to run....or....um....walk briskly. It turns out I may have a soul mate in Kristen, even though she doesn't know me at all, and may be a little freaked out by the proclamation that she is my soul mate. Apparently, I am unfit. (In regards to exercise, at least.) I can see that.

During our flu episode, and some random cartoon watching, James and I discovered this strange show where a boy named Jimmy has a neighbor named......Mrs. Gerken! (O.k....you don't hear Gerken on TV shows very often...so this was quite exciting for me!! Plus, I work with children, and hear them calling me Mrs. Gerken all day, so I was thinking they would really get a kick out of the fact that I was now a famous cartoon character...sort of.) Jimmy is scared to go to her house and thinks it's creepy. When she opens the door, we see Mrs. Gerken. And, guess what?

She is a creepy old-lady version of a pickle. More likely spelled Gherkin. Not quite what I expected.
Our band, One Way, has been working on some Christmas music (with a contemporary flair) in anticipation of the upcoming Christmas Praise Night at church, in addition to the praise and worship songs already on our set list. We have been praying for more opportunities to minister through music, and would love to play at other churches, events, venues. If you are within a couple hours of Northwest Ohio, we would be willing to come your way. All proceeds from our performances support Sufficient Grace Ministries.

I am finishing the last segment of the featured mamas on Walking With You, and currently I'm praying for what to do next on our bereavement site. I'm open to suggestions.

Speaking of suggestions, I'm getting ready to work on my on-going book project a little more. Yes, I'm a spurter. I work in spurts. I've posted a request for your opinions in the Blog Frog Community on the right sidebar. Your input would be greatly appreciated. And your prayers....

Also, I just realized that I said I would pick two winners of a My Forever Child pin on this post from the giveaway extravaganza and only chose one.
So...we will be sending a My Forever Child pin to my bloggy friend, Caroline
Hoping to finally get all the shipments out by this weekend. So sorry for the wait!

Well, it turns out this post was kind of messy and all over the place. But, I suppose it fits the theme. Life is messy. Just embrace it, along with the portion of sufficient grace set aside for us each day from our loving Father.


Kristin said...

LOL about the diagnosis being unfit. That's hilarious! I must have that too! Although I would have to actually get out and run to see....:D

I can relate to you Kelly, about the eating and the emotions. I never go to the cemetery on my mom's birthday or ever....I know I should put flowers out there, I should order her headstone, but I just can't and I'm going to give myself permission to do it in my own time.

Jenilee said...

emotions and eating to do together. and as women, we have to have God's help to overcome! but, with him we can! praying for you!

Jennifer said...

I know that your girls had a wonderful heavenly birthday! I also know how messy real life is. You are a wonderful example of God's grace. Smile mama, you deserve it!

Unknown said...

I was just telling Kristin the other day that I am realizing more and more that I am such an emotional eater! I keep thinking it will get better after Lucy is born, but probably not if I don't do anything to guard against it! Loved this post!

Spud said...

Great post! Love you. :D

Jennifer Ross said...

I'll join you with the messy crazy life. Maybe, we should start a "Walking With You, Messy walk!" lol We could just vent on our busy schedules and show pictures of our laundry baskets piling up every single day, over and over and over...... you get the point, I'm sure! lol

You should feel good about only a handful of chips! I can do about a half a bag in 20 minutes!!! lol Yup, it's that time of year....or month! hehehe


Crystal Theresa said...

Being okay with being messy and imperfect is something that I am striving to do. I love what you wrote about God making "something beautiful out of all my ugly." It's important to remember that we don't need to pressure ourselves so much, that we need to be more forgiving of ourselves, so that we can focus more on resting in Him and turning to His grace and guidance.

I also need to work out my issues with food... and excercise (lack thereof!)... and what it's done to my body. I think letting go of the guilt and self-deprecation can help me make steps forward.

And what you wrote about your plans for Grace and Faith's birthday, and knowing that you can release balloons and make cupcakes on another day or another birthday... that speaks to my heart so much. When I asked Louie to do a "guest post" for Calvin this month, his poor daddy's heart was so frustrated about not adequately conveying his love of our babies - but I think his drawing of our babies is so lovely. Sigh.

I'm glad you liked that virtual cupcakes for your girls - I'm sure they had the pink cupcakes and saw the balloons you wished for them in Heaven.

Love you lots, Kelly! ((hugs))

Holly said...

Life has a way of going and changing our plans on us. We may be a mess but got thinks it's a beautiful mess! ;)

You know what, I'm gonna think of a pickle now every time I hear your last name.

And I'd love to have your band come to our church. Anth is on the board so maybe I'll say something to him and he can bring it up at a board meeting if he remembers. Would you even drive this far?