
If you are new to our site, this blog is sort of a hodge podge of our ministry and family life, and whatever else God lays on my heart to share. The Home Page above will link you to our Sufficient Grace Ministries page. You can read more about the 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and the outreaches of this ministry whose mission is to offer comfort and hope to grieving parents. The Blog button brings you to the page you are currently reading, featuring a variety of subjects...some ministry updates, some family news, and some biblically-based encouragement. The Walking With You page is a place for bereaved parents who have lost a baby or child to find encouragement and hope. It is an online support group created so that families would know they are not walking this path alone. On the Dreams of You Shop page, you can learn more about the products and services we offer, place an order, or sponsor a family. The Encouraging Women blog is a work in progress. There, we hope to offer biblically-based encouragement to all women. The Resource page has been newly updated with a list of resources that are helpful for grieving parents. Our blogroll is also located on this page. Thank you so much for visiting our site. Blessings to you...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Sufficient Grace Thank You...and Announcing the Giveaway Winners

First things first. I was hoping to get this post up last night, but it didn't happen. Right now, I am coming to you live from my nice warm bedroom. For the next several days, I will be soaking in the gift of a few days off from my "day job" as a Special Needs Educational Paraprofessional (a big long title that just really means Teacher's Aide) to wallow in gratefulness and fill myself with turkey and other goodies with my people.

Before I announce the winners of the CSN Giveaway and the God Gave Us Book Giveaway, I would like to share some thank-yous from Sufficient Grace.

We have been so blessed this year by the love and generosity of so many people. (I was just interrupted by a tapping on my window. James is outside, chopping up ice from a puddle that froze overnight and wanted to show me the ice chip. He is so excited that winter is coming. Aren't children a blessing...with all of their enthusiasm for life. We tired, weary adults could learn a few things from our kids. Joy in the simple things...)

O.K...now what was I saying. Oh, yes. Thankfulness...

This year, we knew that our needs had grown as we began to reach out to more and more bereaved families across the United States and beyond. Hundreds of families are now served each year by Sufficient Grace Ministries, and although it has never been my favorite part of ministry, we prayed and stepped out in faith once more to launch Operation Support Sufficient Grace in an effort to raise funds to cover this year's needs. Our hopes were surpassed as so many of you donated, not only through the several events we held during the spring and summer...but as individuals...giving from your hearts and giving generously. Many of our friends and supporters blessed us beyond words by giving. Families donated in memory of their babies...so grateful that there was something to honor their baby's memory in their time of need and wanting to bless other families in this way. We have been humbled and blessed by so much giving. Thank you doesn't seem like enough.

Here are a few people that walk with us, and we are so grateful for their part in our lives and in this ministry...

The girls of Sufficient Grace...Becki, Holly, and I...

You ladies continue to bless me with your willingness to walk this path with me, for your heart for grieving mothers, and women in need. I am so grateful that God has placed you in my life, and look forward to serving with you. Who knows what the Lord has in store next.

The beautiful ladies who make our Comfort Bears...we love you and we are so grateful that you are willing to faithfully share your gift. Your willing hearts have comforted so many mothers. We may never have any idea this side of heaven how much comfort you have brought to these hurting hearts by giving them a bear to hold in their empty arms.

Our wonderful church family...(And, my amazing, patient, giving husband...also pictured here... who gives me more grace than I could ever deserve and loves me just as I am.)

The boys from One Way...
We have grown up with Ryan and Dave and they are dear friends of ours. It is an unspeakable honor and privilege to now lift our voices in worship alongside them in our band, One Way. I am honored and blessed that they have joined with us to serve the Lord through music...to know each of our stories and to realize how much we are covered in God's grace and to see the beauty God is weaving into our lives with his love. It is a beautiful gift. (Please keep us in prayer as we will be doing worship music and sharing our testimony this weekend at Holgate United Methodist Church.) I love these boys...now men, who humbly love the Lord. Thank you, guys...for using your gift to bless others, for going on this adventure with me, for putting up with me, for making me laugh, for your relentless teasing which I happily receive knowing that it is your love language,  for praying with and for me, for riding your motorcycles in the rain to support Sufficient Grace, eating ice cream until it's coming out your ears, putting yourself out there, giving in ways that humble and bless us beyond words. Your friendship means more than we could ever say. And, you have done more than we could ever thank you for...we love you dearly.

There are still so many more to thank...

Churches and hospitals who have invited us to share and donated to support SGM.
Individuals who have blessed and encouraged us with their love, support, and prayers.
All of you in blogland who I count as my dear friends. Your stories all have a piece of my heart.
Kathrine Tolles and Cindy Roller who make our amazing baby gowns.
Marlene Carpenter who makes the gorgeous bracelets we give to mommies.
Sheri Ketner who allowed us to share our testimony on Grace for Today.

It has been quite a year. Another year of God's provision, of watching Him work through His people, of witnessing the astounding miracle of the body of Christ coming together to serve Him with various abilities and resources. Thank you for your part in that. You are among those I count as a blessing this Thanksgiving.

And for the winners...

Congratulations to:

Spud 31...You are the winner of the CSN stores online gift code! Whooo-hooo!
Kathryn...God Gave us Heaven book
Sarita...God Gave us Christmas book

And, if you didn't win...do not despair. I have a plethora of goodies to give away beginning Monday, as we kick off  SGM Christmas Extravaganza 2010. (You know how I love a good name.) So stay tuned.

We pray a blessed Thanksgiving for all of you. Snuggle in with your people and know that you are dearly loved by an amazing God.


Spud said...

Oh my goodness! I'm going to buy the kids some presents and say they are from Aunt Kelly! :D

Holly said...

Happy Thanksgiving Kelly!! I am very grateful to be a part of the ministry! I kinda feel being so far away from you and Becki that I don't get to help as much so if there's anything that needs to be done that I can do or help with just let me know!

I am hoping that as the year ends more people will be generous and give to Sufficient Grace Ministries!

Congrats to the winners!!

Jennifer Ross said...

It's been wonderful watching this ministry grow over the last two years. You're doing a great job Kelly.... and all of your helpers too! :o)

Congrats to the winners!!

Kathryn @ Expectant Hearts said...

OH, I'm so excited abotu the God Gave us Heaven book. PERFECT to stick under the tree this year! I think it'll be from Seth & his friends at Sufficient Grace Ministries.

Love you!!

(do you need me address again?)