
If you are new to our site, this blog is sort of a hodge podge of our ministry and family life, and whatever else God lays on my heart to share. The Home Page above will link you to our Sufficient Grace Ministries page. You can read more about the 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and the outreaches of this ministry whose mission is to offer comfort and hope to grieving parents. The Blog button brings you to the page you are currently reading, featuring a variety of subjects...some ministry updates, some family news, and some biblically-based encouragement. The Walking With You page is a place for bereaved parents who have lost a baby or child to find encouragement and hope. It is an online support group created so that families would know they are not walking this path alone. On the Dreams of You Shop page, you can learn more about the products and services we offer, place an order, or sponsor a family. The Encouraging Women blog is a work in progress. There, we hope to offer biblically-based encouragement to all women. The Resource page has been newly updated with a list of resources that are helpful for grieving parents. Our blogroll is also located on this page. Thank you so much for visiting our site. Blessings to you...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Soaking it In...

I can't recall a dream I've had about my own babies, but I have longed to dream of them since they went home to heaven thirteen (and twelve) years ago. Last night, I dreamed of many of your babies. I couldn't make them out, but I dreamed of so many babies that have gone home to heaven and family after family needing comfort. I suppose it is because the grief of many has been heavy on my heart.

Everyday, I speak to or read about, or exchange email with a mother who has buried her child. Since May 13th, we have sent more than 45 (and counting) Dreams of You packages to grieving families around the country. Truth be told, I had no idea when I took the first steps into this journey that the need was so great. I didn't know the level of broken-heartedness I would encounter, the magnitude of loss that would surround us. I spent much of the past thirteen years healing. Only the last five years have led me to the path I now walk beside many of you.

Suffering exists all over the world, and to some of it, I have turned a blind eye. There is always more that we can do to feed the hungry, to comfort the grieving, to reach out to the lost, to restore the broken. The need is endless. And, yet, this is the corner of suffering that God has given me to look upon. This tiny corner of need. In my dream it seemed endless and constant...so many families. But, in the face of all the suffering in the world, it is just one tiny corner.

This week, three families have lost a child in our region. In this small community, that is a large number. I won't lie, the losses have hit me hard this week. Even as I prepared Dreams of You Baskets for these families, more emails are coming in from mothers across the country and beyond. More mothers who have said goodbye to their babies. My heart breaks for each one.

Every once in awhile, the emotion builds up and spills over for me. And, when it happens, I struggle with feeling selfish for allowing my own sorrow to take my attention when so many are suffering. When I need to stop and pray for myself...for strength to offer comfort, for wisdom to know what a family needs, for comfort for my own aching heart...I feel selfish. While talking with others who work with grieving families, I heard the same struggle and sentiment expressed this week. And, as often happens, the struggles in my own heart became more clear as I listened to them.

It isn't selfish to feel pain for another hurting soul. It is human. It isn't selfish to ask for prayer...to know that we are too weak and small to carry the burden alone. It isn't selfish to ask the Lord to fill us up, that we may give more to those in need...to comfort us, that we may give comfort. Being willing to hurt with someone else is a privilege, a gift...a gift that comes with a price. But, true compassion sometimes requires a heart that is willing to break...over and over again.

This week, while many in our community struggled to make sense of the tragic loss of a two day old baby, one friend of the family expressed guilt, wondering how she could feel joy in her day when her friend was suffering. I thought about that often this week. I was preparing to leave on a camping trip with my family...very much desiring (and needing) to focus on relaxing and experiencing the joy of the moment with them for a few days, when the call came, requesting our services. Not only would the funeral home oversee the needs of the family whose baby had died, but also the parents who lost their teenage daughter. I stopped midway through packing my suitcase, and tried to mask the tears falling as I listened to the voice on the other end of the line. My heart throbbed with the familiar ache of sorrow as I hung up the phone. I stopped packing to pray for the families and prepare a Dreams of You package.

I let the tears fall for a little while, and thought of how much my family has seen those tears as I cry for so many. I thought of how much we needed to embrace joy this weekend. They needed me to focus on them, without distraction. They didn't need the heavy weight of sorrow. So, I asked the Lord to help me put away the sorrow and embrace the joy. It's something I believe He has been teaching me to do, as I continue to learn how to serve Him in this way.

I used to feel guilt experiencing joy when there was so much sorrow. But, one thing I have learned in the midst of so much suffering is that we must embrace the moments of joy when they come. For, we never know when we will be called to suffer in our own life or to walk with someone else who is hurting. And, there are plenty opportunities for weeping. When a moment of joy comes our way, we must soak in every inch of the gift. It may very well be the thing that carries us through the next difficult time in our lives.

Another friend expressed it well when she said, "It isn't selfish to embrace joy in our own life when we know others suffer, it is an act of gratefulness for the gift God has given us." If we don't cherish it when it comes, and cherish the people He has given us to love, it will pass...and we will miss it. There is plenty of time for grief, for suffering, for sorrow in this life. We should weep with those who weep...but we should also take time to rejoice with those who rejoice...to live in the land of the living...to love with abandon. There is a time to mourn and a time to dance, and there are gifts in both seasons. When the time to dance comes, I don't want to miss it because I'm too busy mourning. So, I will mourn when it's time. And, when it's time...I will put it away and dance with those I love while I am able.

I pray that you will do the same...that you will embrace joy when it comes with freedom and abandon...and without guilt.


Jennifer said...

Kelly, these are some of the most beautiful, true, and heartfelt words I have read in a very long time. I am so sorry you heart is so burdened. I would imagine that meeting grief at its peek with those seeking your services is extremely overwhelming. While I know that God has called you to this, you must take care of yourself in order to be able to help those in need. You enjoy every second of your vacation with unabandoned joy! I will pray that you do! Even Jesus when he walked the earth realized the need to rest. Thank you so much for ALL that you do for this community and for sharing your grief with us. You are an inspiration for sure. Many prayers and big hugs!

Lori said...

I really appreciate those words because it is such, such a struggle sometimes to not feel guilty for the joy that I have when I have so much sorrow simultaneously...it just doesn't make sense sometimes as to how both can exist.

But they do and you express how and that the joy is a gift that God wants us to appreciate without any guilt.
Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful vacation.

I'm so sorry for the losses in your community. I will keep their family in prayers.

Holly said...

Oh, how tragic that there have been so many recent losses in your community. :(

I really enjoyed reading what you wrote here about joy and sorrow and I hope that it speaks to someone. I totally agree with what you have said!! There are seasons of joy and sorrow in our lives and it is ok to embrace each in their own time without guilt.

Trisha Larson said...

Beautifully written. That really helped me today.


Jennifer Ross said...

I feel that it is so important to grieve with the hurting. When we are willing to connect and greive with others, it keeps our hearts "real." It's also important to have joy! It can usually be passed on from person to person.... it only takes a smile. :) ;) :o) :-)