
If you are new to our site, this blog is sort of a hodge podge of our ministry and family life, and whatever else God lays on my heart to share. The Home Page above will link you to our Sufficient Grace Ministries page. You can read more about the 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and the outreaches of this ministry whose mission is to offer comfort and hope to grieving parents. The Blog button brings you to the page you are currently reading, featuring a variety of subjects...some ministry updates, some family news, and some biblically-based encouragement. The Walking With You page is a place for bereaved parents who have lost a baby or child to find encouragement and hope. It is an online support group created so that families would know they are not walking this path alone. On the Dreams of You Shop page, you can learn more about the products and services we offer, place an order, or sponsor a family. The Encouraging Women blog is a work in progress. There, we hope to offer biblically-based encouragement to all women. The Resource page has been newly updated with a list of resources that are helpful for grieving parents. Our blogroll is also located on this page. Thank you so much for visiting our site. Blessings to you...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Writer's Write

When I was in Jr. High...or maybe High School, my mother bought me a type writer so that I could have a place to pour out all of my words. I loved the clickety clack of the keys as they pressed each letter onto the clean white paper. I remember wishing I had glasses so that I would look more the part of a writer. As an actress in high school theater productions, looking the part was very important.

I had so many dreams back then, about taking the stage...finding solace in playing the part. Quiet evenings, letting the words flow from my heart onto the pages of the books I would publish. I was all about peace and love then, enamored with the hippie philosophies of the sixties (even though I grew up in the 80s!). Maybe I would be a political journalist (and of course, perform on the New York stages of Broadway on the side). Maybe I would change the world with my words.

My political views are much different these days, and based on different passions. Now I pour my words out onto the computer screen and the buttons make a different sound. I do wear glasses, because my vision blurs after awhile. My face is not the glowing face of the idealistic young girl who dreamed of changing the world with her words. It is rather a face etched with a few hard-earned lines and a few extra pounds. My hair is not the flowing mane of brunette waves that reached past the middle of my once slender back. Instead, it is cropped at my shoulders and peppered with glimpses of white.

I dreamed of taking the stage, writing a book, falling in love, and having a bunch of babies. Some of that happened. But certainly not the way that I dreamed it. I stopped taking the stage of the theater after high school. I kept singing, though. Only the music changed...to songs of worship. I fell in love, and the babies came. I stopped writing for a long time. But the words never left. They just changed...like the music.

I started writing a book years ago, before I knew what a blog was. It wasn't the book I used to dream of writing. In fact, I never would have chosen the path that led to the story pouring from my heart. But, it was the story I was given. The one that I felt compelled to tell, even if just for myself. It's always been that way for me. When the words begin to flow, I can no more deny them than I could keep from breathing, for they come just as naturally. I don't say that as a boast, it is simply the way that God made me. The release of the words for me is like therapy, but even more so. My Writer-Chic friend, Monica, says it well in the header of her blog, "There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you." Not telling the story of God's grace and healing, of the children of my heart who graced this earth for mere moments, but changed me for all eternity, the restoration of a marriage that shouldn't be, the glory of a life...nay, a generation changed by a Savior...it would be an agony.

I've tried, actually, to put the idea away. When I started releasing the words, James (who is now nine) was just a toddler. Tears poured as freely as the words flowing from my wounded soul. I relived every moment of the journey our family walked from brokenness to redemption, ashes to beauty, death to life, heartbreak to healing. And I continue to relive it every time I revisit the pages of our story.

At first, we were not ready to share our journey in such a public way. Life was busy, and my children needed me here. The wounds, although healed, were still tender...and for Tim possibly still gaping even years later. As God led us to begin Sufficient Grace and revealed the growing need to minister to grieving hearts, we took steps toward sharing parts of our journey.

I have quietly revisited the book project over the years, never sure if anyone would read it, and not even sure the reason I felt so driven to continue. I entered the blogging world, and found my people. People who also need to release their words...people with stories to tell. I can't tell you what a gift that has been, but if you're a blogger or a writer...I suppose I don't have to tell you.

I read a simple quote once in a magazine (maybe Writer's Digest). It said, "Writer's write." It doesn't matter what you write, or in what form...but you just do it. You just let the words flow onto the page.

The story I have in my heart to tell is the one that God has given me. It is really His story, woven into the tapestry of my life. The story that I've worked on over the course of about six years, is the most of Jesus and who He is that I have to give, as I've experienced His grace...and the most of my own heart. I have no delusions of grandeur. I know that I'm nobody famous, and it's likely that a traditional publisher will not ever take a glance at the pile of pages that share the biggest pieces of my heart. I know others have published their stories in the mean time, while mine has been waiting for the right season. At first, I wondered if that meant I should just give up on this project. But, their stories, while beautiful and serving a purpose were not exactly like my own. My story began long before some of the more recent ones, and I began writing it long before. It's a seed that was planted in my heart long ago. Should I put it away now just because someone else has shared their story?

It is mostly written...but not quite finished. I am tweaking it, little by little as time allows. Will you do me a favor? Will you pray for me as I finish the telling of this story? And, will you pray that the Lord will be the guide, that His purpose will prevail, that His story will be the one that is told?


Mary said...

SO excited that God has been doing this in you. I know many of us who blog feel the same way, we write because we must put it somewhere. It is just easy to post it "out there" in cyber space where no one can judge it.
Praying you finish, and God has grand plans for it...

Kim @ Peace of my Heart said...

Oh, Kelly - I've already been praying for you on this! You have a story that *is* uniquely yours, and the pieces that I've read on your blog are so beautifully written. They glorify God and have been a blessing to me (among many, many others, I'm sure). I'm glad you've written your story and pray with you that as you finish it, God will guide you.

Love and prayers,

Lori said...

Will absolutely pray and can't wait to see the finished product!

Sarita Boyette said...

I will certainly pray for you and I can't wait to read the story that God puts on your heart! You are a wonderful writer,and I know God will use you to continue to glorify Him.

Karin said...

Oh Kelly, on this one I completely understand. I remember when I first started claiming the word writer to describe myself. There is something that moves from so deep, that just doesn't let those ideas go away. We know how hard it is to share because writing is so intensely personal. Yet, we have to. We have to write. The absolute need to find not just the write words, but the perfect sentence, theme, section, is greater.

I will absolutely pray for you and your writing. I pray that as you share your heart, your spirit is fulfilled and you glorify God by using your talents.

Caroline said...

I will pray and can't wait til it's done.


Kristin said...

Kelly, you should definitely not put this story away just because others have been published. The most awesome thing about God being the author of our lives, is that no two stories are alike. If He put this passion and gift in you, to share your story for His glory, then there is a reason for that. You are a beautiful writer.....I will be praying that God leads you to His purpose for your story!

Jennifer Ross said...

Yes. I will pray. In fact, I prayed and believed as I read the last paragraph. God has already written and "published" your life before you were born. Everybody has a story to tell. Some have been given the gift of writing. Please keep me in prayer as well. We talked briefly last year about something that had been brought to my heart, and I'm believing that God will pour His blessings over it, just as He blesses us all.

Blessings to you Kelly,

heidi said...

Kelly, thank you for your sweet note on my blog;) Girl, I think you should keep at your book, you have such a beautiful way with words. A talent that you use to point people to the Lord & He will bless you for it!...and if it means anything, I would buy it & read it! Praying for you!=) ~heidi

Mattie said...

I will be ptraying that God will bless you with the words to write and the time to write them in! I can't wait to read your book!

Holly said...

Definitely praying, Kelly! It excites me that God has put this desire in your heart and I would love for anything you write to be published. And you know I would buy it!!!

Cecilia said...

I would read it! You have a talent for writing and sharing God's love. Best wishes as you look for a publisher!