
If you are new to our site, this blog is sort of a hodge podge of our ministry and family life, and whatever else God lays on my heart to share. The Home Page above will link you to our Sufficient Grace Ministries page. You can read more about the 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and the outreaches of this ministry whose mission is to offer comfort and hope to grieving parents. The Blog button brings you to the page you are currently reading, featuring a variety of subjects...some ministry updates, some family news, and some biblically-based encouragement. The Walking With You page is a place for bereaved parents who have lost a baby or child to find encouragement and hope. It is an online support group created so that families would know they are not walking this path alone. On the Dreams of You Shop page, you can learn more about the products and services we offer, place an order, or sponsor a family. The Encouraging Women blog is a work in progress. There, we hope to offer biblically-based encouragement to all women. The Resource page has been newly updated with a list of resources that are helpful for grieving parents. Our blogroll is also located on this page. Thank you so much for visiting our site. Blessings to you...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's Not All Gold That Glitters

I have spent the last five hours painstakingly removing the lights from my previously "pre-lit" Christmas tree. We had a good run, my lovely skinny tree and me. But, all good things must come to an end and it's not all gold that glitters (or burned out Christmas lights for that matter!). It was a wonderful idea at the time, this tree of mine. Pre-lit...what a glorious revelation. No more untangling lights and lassoing them around the tree. It was glorious. Until...one by one the bulbs blew darkening each strand. The last couple years, I just slapped another strand over the "dead" strand. But, this year, all the lights grew dim.

This led to the decision that stole an entire day of my Christmas break. The old lights had to go. When I began this project, I didn't know that each strand was wrapped and attached with a bracket around every single branch of my seven-and-a-half foot tree. So, while I sat for five hours knee-deep in fake pine needles and cut-up strands of Christmas lights, I had plenty of time to reflect on this year's celebration of our Savior's birth.

It has been a lovely time of celebrating and the memories brought a smile to my face (which was really helpful, since I started to think I might hurt someone about two hours into this Christmas tree debacle). We spent Christmas Eve at church singing and focusing on the birth of Jesus. After church, we shared laughs and yummy food at Tim's mom's house. There were other times with Tim's dad and Sarah...my brother and Megan, Tim's grandmothers and aunts. Lots of laughs and lots and lots of yummy food!

But Christmas morning...that was something. I had a nasty bout of bronchitis that made breathing difficult. Preparing Christmas dinners had to be arranged around breathing treatments (something I had given to my kids often in the past sixteen years, but never experienced myself!)

We had purchased a Wii for our children among other gifts. But that was THE big surprise. When they opened it, they were excited and surprised. We took out all the parts and Timothy set them up. We laughed as we designed each character to look like members of our family! Then, when the kids inserted the game that came with the system, it just displayed this error sign. Everything we did...following directions, troubleshooting, etc....the error sign filled the screen. They couldn't play the game on this brand new system!

Next...I burned the cinnamon rolls. They were just the Pillsbury kind, even...nothing great. But, I burned them. Disappointment swept in and I went into the garage for a minute, feeling the frustration rise. Then, it hit me how silly it would be to allow these little things to steal my joy. So, Christmas morning wasn't perfect. So, the game didn't work. We could take it back the next day and get one that worked correctly. So, I burned the cinnamon rolls. There was a plethora of delicious food awaiting our senses and filling my kitchen. So...the things of this world didn't satisfy us. So what?

I walked into the front room, and my kids said, "Mom...thanks so much for the Wii. It will be so fun to play tomorrow! What a great surprise!"

My husband hugged me and said the cinnamon rolls were fine.

They hadn't let these little things steal their joy. And, I wasn't going to either! These were little things compared to the suffering in this world...little, trivial, not-even-worth-mentioning things. They didn't change the reason for our celebration. Jesus came to save us. He came! And He has blessed us greatly with a beautiful family, amazing friends, and love and grace overflowing in our lives.

I did exchange the Wii for one that works the day after Christmas...and it IS way fun! But, it's not nearly as much of a blessing as it has been just to share this precious time with my sweet family. I just love these people...and I can't believe that God has given us to one another to walk through this life with. And...He has given us a Savior who even now prepares a place in eternity for us. What could be better than that?


Jennifer said...

I know you guys will have fun with the Wii...it is a lot of family fun together! I had pre-lit outdoor swags that I pain-stakingly hung with bows this year...only to have not a single light come on! Oh yeah, the porch was "dark" all December but I, too, was determined to salvage those babies and simply add my own lights for next year. No way - ten minutes into trying to get those lights off...it all went in the trash!! Kudos for having so much patience!! :)

Franchesca said...

I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas with your family. It's crazy how easy it can be to let those "little things" steal our joy. I love that you didn't let it but enjoyed the rest of the day ;)


Linda said...

Glad you didn't let it all keep you down, or rob your joy for long.

Your kids response was sweet...and your husband was great!

Hope your New Year will be Wonderful.

Luv ya,
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

vera said...

I hope you are feeling better. I love you because of posts like this - your hope and faith just shine through your words and lift me up!! You are so very, very right about Christmas!

I've returned to blogging and am catching up with everyone now :)

Jennifer Ross said...

I agree with Vera. Your posts seem to help me out when I'm not feeling so "happy-go-lucky." :)

My kids LOVE the Wii also... probably a little to much!

Just to put a smile on everyones face.... I made some brownies to take to my moms for Christmas, and they just didn't look normal. I put them in the oven anyway.... Then, I walked past the stove, and sitting right next to it were the eggs that I forgot to add:) That's what happens when you loose your mind:) LOL

Holly said...

OH my gosh Kelly, I can't believe you took off all those lights! What a pain! Seems like everything started going wrong but really it was all ok. Many things are never as bad as they seem but it's easy to get frustrated. I'm glad you didn't let it all steal your joy! And I hope that you are feeling much better now!