
If you are new to our site, this blog is sort of a hodge podge of our ministry and family life, and whatever else God lays on my heart to share. The Home Page above will link you to our Sufficient Grace Ministries page. You can read more about the 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and the outreaches of this ministry whose mission is to offer comfort and hope to grieving parents. The Blog button brings you to the page you are currently reading, featuring a variety of subjects...some ministry updates, some family news, and some biblically-based encouragement. The Walking With You page is a place for bereaved parents who have lost a baby or child to find encouragement and hope. It is an online support group created so that families would know they are not walking this path alone. On the Dreams of You Shop page, you can learn more about the products and services we offer, place an order, or sponsor a family. The Encouraging Women blog is a work in progress. There, we hope to offer biblically-based encouragement to all women. The Resource page has been newly updated with a list of resources that are helpful for grieving parents. Our blogroll is also located on this page. Thank you so much for visiting our site. Blessings to you...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Timothy's Golf Skills, Stuff That Makes Me Happy...and a Giveaway

Yes...I am a little proud of my oldest son's mad golf skills! How cool is this video he made in the backyard? I thought you might like it!

I don't have much to say that's earth-shattering here...but I thought I'd keep it simple and maybe do something fun and random if you're up for it. That's about as deep as I can get right now.

It's been on my heart lately to find joy in the little things. So, here's the deal: I'm going to list five things that "make me happy". They have to be in the simple, little things category. I'd love to hear what makes you happy, too. So, if you'd like to play along, list five things that make you happy in the comments below...and you will be entered to win a signed copy of Lynnette Kraft's wonderful book, In Faithfulness, He Afflicted Me. For a chance at a second entry, become a follower of this blog...or let me know in the comments if you already are a follower! I love a good giveaway! Giveaways make me happy!! =)

What Makes Me Happy (this week)?

1. Fresh tomatoes...mmmm, mmmm...good.
2. The smell of my kitchen after I've baked cookies all day (and the satisfied tummies of my family after they sink their teeth into the goodies!).
3. Cleveland Browns football (Even more so in the rare event that we win! And triple if we beat the Steelers...sorry September! Quadruple if Brady's playing!)
4. New school supplies (especially pink post its).
5. Laughing with friends.

O.K....your turn...What makes you happy?


The Writer Chic said...

Hmmm. 5 things:

Everything bagels
scoring a great deal at HomeGoods
having a good hair day
sleeping in on a Saturday
singing on praise team for Sunday worship

Megan said...

my 5:

being lost in a Holy Spirit drenched worship service

a long hot shower

anything creative, whether it be decorating or doing my boxes

real buttered popcorn

bible study and all the differnet revelations and insights that God gives to me and others in the body

(Funny what you said about the Browns! My husband is from North Lima, so we are quite possibly, and i mean that for all it's seeming exageration, THE biggest Browns fans EVER! My husband breathes football! lol we'll be cheerin' right along with you guys!how cool is that)

The Blue Sparrow said...

Five little things:
1. The smell of rain
2. Fitting into my pre-prego jeans!
3. Any clearance sale
4. Comfortable shoes
5. Hearing the perfect song or reading the perfect bible verse at the exact minute you need it the most. Goosebumps be still!

Amy said...

5 things:

getting lost in a good book

listening to the laughter of my 2 year old

finishing a sewing project

date night with my hubby

a cup of coffee with a good friend

and...I just became a follower of your blog.

Holly said...

That's pretty awesome that Timothy can do that! So cool! I love giveaways!! So fun!!

I am a Steelers fan. :)

My 5 things:
1) eating candy
2) the warmth of the sun
3) listening to music
4) petting my dog
5) freshly cut grass (it smells good!)

Holly said...

I follow :)

Meredith said...

It's so hard to narrow down to just 5 simple things!! Today I would say:
1.a day off with no one else in the house
2.fishing with my dad
3. listening to hubby and baby laugh/talk on the baby monitor
4. an organized closet (this ties closely with the whole school supply section thing)
5. my screen porch.....especially when it rains

I already follow!

Kami said...

My five things ...

-Enjoying a cup of coffee/tea on the porch in the morning before anybody else wakes up.

-Phone conversations with my mom.


-Office supplies (I realize this makes me a total nerd, but I can't get over how much I love them and how organized they help me to be!).

-Kissing my children goodnight and hearing them say "I love you".

... by the way, I'm also a follower of your blog :)

Jennifer Ross said...

1. Another day pregnant.

2. Watching my boys ride their bikes.

3. Completing a yummy healthy meal for my family.

4. Helping my neighbor with simple things that she cannot do by herself.

5. Enjoying the fall colors on the way to church early in the morning.

My Very Own Angel said...

My 5 Things:

1 - Eating without guilt
2- Bible study with friends, that turns into group therapy
3- staying in my PJ's all day
4- the way my son laughs
5- watching Mean Girls for the 100th billion time.

Kathryn @ Expectant Hearts said...

I"ll play but honestly, it's gonna be a stretch for me as I'm struggling these days...

5 everyday things..

1. The way the sun feels warm on my face
2. the ADORABLE things that come out of my 3 year old daughters mouth (most recently, in response to Why don't you listen to me? She said "Because I a teenagered girl".. HUH?).
3. Hugs and spontaneous "I love you"s from any and all of my kids
4. Coming home from work to a clean kitchen (I'm not sure that's an EVERYDAY thing but there you go.).
5. Doggy kisses from our puppy.