You probably don't remember the I'm Just Gonna post I wrote back when two people read my blog. I was full of the "I Don't Wanna's" and vowed to let them rule my mood no longer when I wrote this post, as summer's end was nearing and a new school year was approaching.
Instead, my new theme was:
"No More I Don't Wanna...
From Now On, I'm Just Gonna!"
Or something catchy like that. Well, I'm looking at another school year. Sigh. And, I've been plaqued once more with "I Don't Wanna's". Time to renew my vows, I think. Time to get organized...stop squandering my time. Get it together. Get going.
In addition to the "I Don't Wanna's" in the organization department, I might as well just confess the other thing I've been slacking on. After all, we're all friends here, right? I haven't been exercising or eating right. The extra twenty pounds and a lack of energy. Twenty pounds comes on fast when you're not looking. Evidence that we really do "reap what we sow"!
I'm hoping in admitting my recent struggles, I will remain accountable as I try to get back on track with healthy eating, exercise, and organization. And, also...I know that you will pray for and encourage me. And, I so appreciate that. that I got that off my chest, guess what?! Last week, I won prizes from two different bloggy-friends!!!! (Or chums, if you will!) I thought I'd share them here...after all, it's not every week that a girl wins... twice!
Sweet Lynnette sent me this adorable bag! Thanks Lynnette! I love this cute the colors (exactly the one I would have chosen if I was choosing) love your blog...and I love you!

And...what do you know? Another package from a bloggy-friend...

Teresa (a.k.a. Grammy Girlfriend) sent me one of her "surprise" gift boxes full of greeting cards, stationary, Christmas ornaments, and other goodies! See my look of "surprise"! Hee-hee! Thanks so much, Teresa. I love your fun blog, loved my box of goodies, and love you! final item to round out this "Keepin' it real...Hodge Podge of a Post". Tim and I are doing some music at the Corn City Festival this Saturday. Our friends, Dave and Ryan are joining us. So...we now have a band! =) But, we do not have a name. And, I thought...just for fun...maybe you wonderful, creative blog friends of mine would like to help give us some ideas! We perform Christian music...contemporary and old hymns with a twist (a little more rocker than when I perform at ladies' tea parties. As I like to say..."this ain't no ladies tea party!" You know...if I were all tough and used poor grammar like that, which I don't!) Our bass player joked that we could name the band, Sufficient Bass. I don't think so, Ryan...=) The band will hopefully (eventually) write some music and become an outreach of Sufficient Grace. Proceeds from our (one little)performance will be donated to Sufficient Grace Ministries. So, any ideas???
Congrats on winning such great things!! I just had to laugh at "Sufficient Bass" hahahahahaha. It is very catchy!!
I guess I'll just throw some random things out there...and if they are already group names then disregard!
Glory Revealed
Heaven's Hope
3 dudes and a chick (hahahaha sorry, you can ignore that one)
Carry for Christ
Falling on Faith
(hmmmm I seem to like names with same letters)
Trust through Tribulation
I hope some other people chime in with names!!
LOL, Kelly Great post. I actually like Sufficient Bass, lol but then again I want everyone who has a lil girl to name her Stephanie. So please don't ask me to name the band. I am soooooo into myself. lol.
Cool gifts!!!
I don't have any clever suggestions for you although I am sure someone in this wonderful crew of women will! However, I wanted to tell you that I love the "I don't wanna and "I'm just gonna" theme! That could be a weekly post for many I think :)!! Hope you are doing well, praying for support as you sing for God's glory and Sufficient Grace :)
I like hollys name falling on faith. good luck.
Congrats on your awards and gifts! I think it's a good idea to get some things off your chest, like extra pounds (never fun). I know you can reach your goal, you at least have people praying and thinking about you.
As for the band name what about ...
I like Holly's name too Falling on Faith.
Oh, I am crackin' up at Ryan's suggestion!!!
Loved your hodge podge, Girl.
xoxo, Veronica in CA
p.s. My vote is for Sufficient Bass...ha ha ha ha, but if that doesn't work, I think that Holly's Falling on Faith was such a good one!!
Hi Kelly,...cute bag! I am glad you got one of Lynnette's giveaways.
"I Don't Wanna" think too hard tonight, so "I'm Just Gonna"...pick one of Holly's. I like Heaven's Hope!
Love you,
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Hi Dear One,
I loved your post. What great gifts you received from such wonderful bloggy friends!
Band Names, how about:
Heaven's Door
Lips of Gratitude
Holy Beats
Holy Grace
Forever Grace
The Joyful Heartbeats
The Joyful Beats
Band of Righteousness
The Band of Grace
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Circle of Faith
Circle of Grace
Grace-filled Voices
That was fun. Whatever your band name will be, will undoubtedly be amazing.
Peace, Blessings & Love,
Sufficient Bass is too funny! So is your look of surprise. I wish you well in resisting Doritos and losing weight.
You know how I love my Doritos...sigh.
What fun prizes! I'm with you on the exercise thing. I used to love it, but not so much anymore. I did get the Shred DVD and level 1 is kicking my tail =). Hopefully working out will be easier for you!
Funny post! Your beautiful, you do not look like you have twenty extra pounds on that body of yours. I like all of the suggested names, but Alleluiabelle put down Forever Grace. That just kind of stuck out. You would be going to sing about the Lords Grace and it would cover your blog too. Holly's 3 dudes and a chick weren't to bad either:) LOL
I just had a name pop in my head, how about.... Eternal Grace?
You know what Kelly - I picked that one just for you! :) I know how you love pink - and that one had pink.
You don't look like you have 20 extra pounds on you! You hold your weight well. hee hee I think you're just beeeeuuuutifulll!
I'm not great at naming things...
Let me think.....
A few minutes later: Well, I tried...nothing came. I'll keep thinking!
Love you!!
Chums are chums forever, when the Lord's the Lord of them hee hee!
Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground
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