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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lies Women Believe About Emotions...

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we postponed last week's Lies Women Believe Study to focus on the passing and remembering of my friend Dinah. Hopefully taking the week off gave some of you a chance to catch up! ;) This week, we are talking about Lies Women Believe About Emotions. Da, da, da, daaaaaa.

This is a big one for me. In fact, I have felt such conviction reading this chapter. I am guilty of allowing almost every one of these lies to dictate my behavior at one time or another. While it is true that we cannot help how we may feel, we can control how we react to those feelings...and what we allow our minds to dwell on.

Those words are easier said than done...when emotions roar, telling us our feelings are true and valid and require action. Action and words...lots of words. Spewed with raised voice. Irrational tears. Anxious dwelling thoughts. Oh...the enemy has done quite a work with the lie of emotions. What God meant to be a beautiful gift to women...a gift that blesses those they love, a gift meant to nurture and love with passion and compassion. Satan has twisted this beautiful gift into something...hideous and broken...at least that's what he means to do.

Which leads us to...

Lie Number 32 - If I feel something, it must be true.

I love how Nancy combats these lies with the truth that God is good, whether we feel it or not. He loves us, regardless of whether we feel unloved. He will never leave us, even if we feel forsaken. He forgives us when we feel unforgiven and drowning in guilt. He is faithful when we are not. He is steadfastly, always who He says He is...despite the raging storm of our changing emotions...emotions based on circumstances instead of our steadfast, immovable God.

Nancy sites scripture from Philippians...wise words from Paul...
Rejoice in the Lord always...Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God...Whatever is true...think about such things.

And the result: The peace of God...

Lie Number 33 - I can't control my emotions.

Truth: We take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinth. 10:5

We can fix our minds on Him, resist fear, trust Him...Do we trust Him rather than reacting to what we feel?

This is tough sometimes...

Which leads to a big one...

Lie 34 - I can't help how I respond when my hormones are out of whack...

Hormones are strong stuff. And, they are hard to control. I can say with my mouth and write these words...but when the firestorm of emotions spews forth from me, capturing me and taking me unaware and ill-prepared, it feels almost impossible to keep from reacting...from being swept in. Still...it should not be an excuse for lashing out at my family and friends...for giving in to the fury, claiming it as truth. It seems to help to remember it's coming and prepare...instead of using it as an excuse. It helps me to know..."This is a hormonal reaction. These strong feelings and overwhelming thoughts are not the truth." Once I realize that's what is happening, I calm down and refocus. We can pray for strength to overcome those moments. And, He will give us the grace to do so. It takes some effort and resisting what we feel, clinging instead to what we know to be true.

I love Psalm 139....God knows us. He created us...and He is not surprised by any part of us...not even our crazy hormones.

Lie 35- The answer to depression must first be sought in medication and/or phsychotherapy.

Depression is prevalent among women, and more so in recent years. My mother battled depression much of her life. I remember as a young girl, praying that I would never struggle with those emotions. In recent years, as some of those pressing weights have laid on my shoulders...her passing, which seems to have passed on that struggle to me...I have wrestled.

Wrestled as a Christian woman...we should have joy. Am I failing to trust him, because I feel so heavy? Am I giving in to fear when I curl up into my shell, run to things other than Him, don't want to leave my room and face life? Why? Why do I feel this way? Am I not believing Him enough? Am I a hypocrite to feel these feelings while I preach the hope in the living God?

Sometimes...it is because I cling to other things for comfort...things that will not truly bring joy...things that cause a brief escape...a false comfort. Food, a mindless TV show, a conversation with a friend...basically everything Nancy mentioned...I have run to. This section was the most convicting. I have fallen for every excuse. I am weak in every area mentioned under lie number 34.

Many women in my life take medication for depression. So widespread is this issue, it is a common thing. I have resisted, so far. Not because I don't think there is a time for medicine. I do believe that is one way God helps us, when needed, due to a chemical or physical cause of depression that cannot be helped another way. Yet...I do wonder at times. It seems like in some cases, medicine has become just another easy answer...not all cases...but some. For many it is necessary...and that is a different matter.

We have not been created to live the way we are living. We were not made for the pace of our world...of our lives. Yet...this is where we are...living in this time...in this place. I wonder how much our battle with bouts of depression has to do with living a life we weren't created for...an environment that doesn't nourish and sustain..that rushes us on to the next thing. Then I read in scripture that depression is certainly nothing new. David battled, Jonah, Elijah, Hannah...on and on.

In all of it, the answer isn't for me to give in to the excuses...feeding my family pizza delivery again, remaining overwhelmed by my disorganized mess, eating the Doritos because they make me feel better. Those band aids mentioned in this chapter...every one of them....I am guilty of all. But, I don't have to stay there. And, slowly, He is pulling me out...whispering to me to cling to Him, instead of the layers I've built.

One more thing I want to share... It is quite simple sounding, but a powerful truth. Gratefulness is a great way to change our outlook when we have sunk to the pit of despair. Giving thanks...finding something, anything to give thanks for...praising God for who He is...these things change our perspective from focusing on our feelings and circumstances. Gratefulness renews hope.

Psalm 42:5-6;8
Why, my soul, are you downcast?

Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

6 My soul is downcast within me;
therefore I will remember you
from the land of the Jordan,
the heights of Hermon—from Mount Mizar.

8 By day the LORD directs his love,

at night his song is with me—
a prayer to the God of my life.

*Next week's chapter, Lies Women Believe About Circumstances, will be posted Monday, March 14th.


Kristin said...

I am the same way Kelly, with giving in to excuses. Telling myself it's okay to sit on the couch instead of clean, to order take out again when I know it's wasted money, etc. And the craziest thing is that when I just do what I know I'm supposed to do, regardless of how down I'm feeling, I usually always feel such a great sense of accomplishment that it makes me feel so much better. Even if I'm tired, that is way better than being depressed. Yet, I still give in to these things every time. Ugh!

I have resisted going to see someone about my anxiety, because I KNOW God can pull me out of it. I know He will. I think it is really just going to be a choice I make to get off the couch, to cook a healthy meal, to do something productive instead of sitting around worrying about things. It's so easy to believe that lie that this is just the way we are and we can't change it....I loved this chapter and how she exposed those lies. The devil doesn't want us to realize these things because he knows we would all change the world if we did!

Kristin said...

P.S. It worked out great that this was postponed. I was able to read the chapter this afternoon and then come right over to read your post :)

Jennifer Ross said...

I have the cleaning thing down, so bad, I need to work on not being so O.C.D. about it! lol (So I don't use excuses for not doing work. I use them to do work.)

I do catch myself thinking negative thoughts, and realize that it's not truth, but my feelings. It happens quite often, which is why I'm really working in this area of my life.

I had to laugh at the P.M.S. part, because as I was talking to Chris on the phone these last few days, I kept using my P.M.S. as an excuse for my up and down attitude! I already knew that this subject was in my next chapter to read, so I kind of chuckled knowing that I was going to be taken for a "walk around the park" (spiritual style), after reading it!!! LOL! LOL! LOL!

P.S. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of Dinah after dinner tonight, and hope that you are holding up ok. I know that your heart must still be aching and still feel so so sad. I'm thinking of you....