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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Finding our Want To - Made to Crave Session One

I'm so excited about this new study on the book, Made to Crave, by Lysa Terkeurst. Let me just say, Lysa had me at this line from her intro:

It's not the "how to" I'm missing. It's the "want to"...really wanting to make changes and deciding that the results of those changes are worth the sacrifice.

Preach it, sister!

That is me. I get the how to. I know what I need to do to lose weight, to be more healthy. But, it's the want to I'm lacking. There are times when I can be the queen of the "I don't wanna's". I don't wanna do the housework, balance the checkbook, go to work, cook dinner, do the laundry, do the dishes. I don't wanna! I know...pathetic, right? Don't worry...God has been working on me...changing my "I don't wanna" to "I get to". The attitude goes for eating right, too. Sure, there are times when I feel inspired to get healthy...to let go and earnestly pray, resisting the temptation to fulfill my desire in the moment for satisfaction through yummy food. But, in the moment...at the end of a long work day, when I feel stressed and reach for the cupboard to sooth that tense moment away....in the lunchroom, when someone has brought apple fritters and M&M's, to celebrate a special occasion (everything's better with indulgent treats, right?)

I could relate to so much that Lysa said in the introduction and in chapter one....too much for this post. When she spoke of putting it off to another time. When she mentioned needing comfort in this season of life....oh, I can't tell you how many times I said that during the season of grief after my mom passed away. Thinking of that really disappoints me...and revealing that truth to you is even harder. I want to say that I grieved perfectly...in a totally healthy way...giving it all to the Lord, finding comfort in His arms the entire way. I did...much of the time. But, some of the time, I let myself indulge in foods that were unhealthy...making an excuse that it was just too hard to let go of the comfort of indulging now and then during this difficult season. God freed me from this bondage of relying on food once, several years ago. And, yet, during that season of grief, I returned to the unhealthy cycle...like a dog returning to his vomit (I know...gross analogy, but biblical. And, truthfully...it's a gross thing to return to bondage once the Lord has freed us from sin's grip.)

Lysa also writes: It's easier to make excuses than to make changes.

So true...and, frankly, I'm tired of mine. It's time to Cowboy up. Put our big girl pants on. Get over it. Man up. Just do it. No more excuses.

You know I love grace...but truth is important too. And, the truth is that excuses do us no good. We were created with a craving in our souls. A craving that only God can fill. Nothing else will ever bring us true and lasting satisfaction.

This thought pierced me: I imagine Jesus looked straight into this young man's soul and said, "I want you to give up the one thing you crave more than me. Then, come follow me."

Lysa also spoke these powerful words based on Mark 8:34:

With Jesus, if we want to gain, we must give up.
If we want to be filled, we must deny ourselves.
If we want to truly get close to God, we'll have to distance ourselves from other things.
If we want to conquer our cravings, we'll have to redirect them to God.

As we move on to chapter one, I loved the wisdom that we "crave what we eat". I have found this to be so true. The less I eat junk, the less I crave it. The more healthy foods I eat, the more I crave. We were created to crave. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just what we do to satisfy those cravings that gets us off track. Interesting that Satan used food to bring down Eve...and subsequently the entire human race. No accident, I'm sure. He appealed to her craving...the lust of her eyes...and the boasting, or desire for significance. Interesting. Her eyes were looking at the object of her desire, rather than focusing on the Lord. Truth is the most powerful weapon in fighting deception and desires or cravings for the wrong things.

The author shared some questions at the end of the chapter. I'll answer a couple. Feel free to share your thoughts and answer whichever questions you wish in the comments or in the Blog Frog discussion.

She asked which of the three temptations we struggle with the most: cravings, lust of the eyes, or boasting. While I'm sure I've fallen in all three areas, craving is probably the most frequent battle for me. In the moment of temptation...when I'm hungry, overwhelmed, just craving something yummy, I will reach for the bag of Doritos, the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, the Pepsi...indulging that craving, satisfying it on my own, rather than denying it and turning to Him. At least I have done that in the past. He is working in a different way to free me from that pattern.

It feels like I'm telling a deep, dark secret that shows me in a less than appealing light here...not so easy for a girl who would always like to present her picture in the best light. Not so appealing, picturing me reaching for the bag of Doritos in a frenzy of stress at the end of the work day, while a mess piles around me, clamoring for my attention. It's kind of grossing me out to even admit it. But, the humble and at times humiliating truth is that I'm far from perfect. I'm flawed and broken. It's why I needed a Savior.

Lysa mentions using scripture to battle deception and temptation. I have found this to be a very powerful and effective weapon in resisting the desire to fulfill cravings in an unhealthy way. Mine is often food, but some of you may battle other temptations. Whatever your struggle, scripture is an effective tool in overcoming that moment of temptation. During the season of victory, I used scripture often to strengthen my resolve in weak moments...scripture and prayer.

One of my favorites:

Luke 4:4 (New King James Version)

But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’”

Please share how the Intro. and Chapter One of this study spoke to your heart in the comments and/or in the Blog Frog Discussion. Also, it would be nice if we could pray specifically for each other this week. So, feel free to share any prayer requests/struggles as well. And, if you're reading along...please keep these ladies in prayer.

My prayer request for this week: God has been working on my heart in many areas (and I've lost 7 pounds in the past 2 weeks in the process!), but often when there is one step forward, I have a set back, spiritual battle, etc. Please pray for me that I would keep my eyes focused on the Lord, cling to Him alone...look to His word for comfort in moments of weakness. Thanks so much...I look forward to praying for each of you as well.

Have a blessed week! Let's pray for each other that we not only find our "want to", but that we hold onto it once it's found! =)

*Updated Change: Tune in next Monday for Chapter Two, Three. and Four of Made to Crave. Since the chapters are rather short, we will be covering three chapters on next Monday's post, so read ahead and be ready to join in!

Another Update: Just wanted to add that my blog friend Kate, who is reading along, also blogged about her Made to Crave journey. Stop over and give her some encouragement. Her post is honest, encouraging...and just made me smile! If you are blogging about your journey, or would like to write a post each Monday, let me know and we can add a linky or mention your post here.


Kristin said...

Great thoughts, Kelly. It is so hard to get the "want to". I have shifted now to needing to eat healthy, because I am already too heavy to be pregnant and I cannot gain much weight, but obviously I have to eat, so it's all about what I eat. I guess the Lord thought if I wasn't going to do it myself, He'd make it to where I had no choice. Haha!

Unknown said...

I totally agree with everything you and Lysa said! How about lets put on our skinny jeans, not our big girl pants, haha!! I keep repeating..."everything is permissible but not beneficial" man that hurts when I want something bad to eat!! Praying for all of us and this battle!!

Karen said...

First, let me say ouch! This has totally hit home!

One thing that spoke to me emensely was in the intro where she wrote "I want you to give up the one thing you crave more than me. Then come follow me." And then a little further she wrote, "With Jesus, if we want to gain, we must give up. If we want to be filled, we must deny ourselves. If we want to truly get close to God, we'll have to distance ourselves from other things."

I truly want to get close to God!

Please pray that I find my "want to" and like you said Kelly, that it will stick!

Tracy Sponsler said...

I am loving this book so far! I feel as if the author was writing specifically to me. One of my favorite quotes from the book is, "I want you to give up the one thing you crave more than me. Then, come, follow me." What powerful words!! I also agree that it is easier to make excuses than changes. I have really been struggling with the "want to" for the past 5 years. I once read that you must act like you want to until you want to, or something close to that. Do the thing you think you cannot. If not today, then when?

Okay, Kelly. I am in. I now weigh 154 pounds. This is the heaviest I have ever been. I am ready to follow you, Lord. I am ready to give up the thing that I crave more than You.

Congratulations on your 7 pound weight loss, Kelly. I will continue to pray for you on your journey. I am inspired by your "want to."

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Kristin...I love how the Lord finds a way to get us where we need to go!

Kate...I loved what you said about putting our skinny jeans on! Also great verse...and great blog post. You really encouraged me in your post. I'm going to put up a linky next week...even if you're the only one who links a post! ;)

Karen and Tracy...those parts really spoke to me as well. It puts it in perspective when we consider that Jesus wants us to give up the thing we crave instead of Him.

Tracy...thanks so much for joining in! It really does help to know we're not alone on this journey! Good for you for being brave and sharing your weight! Freedom, sweet freedom! (And, by the way...I am going to have to get a new scale because after my visit to the doctor, I'm not sure how accurate mine is!)

Praying for all of you on this journey! Keep clinging to Him and hold on to your want to once you find it! =)

Michelle said...


First I want to thank you again for my copy of Made To Crave. I received it this weekend. I've read the introduction and Chapter 1.

I can relate to the author in several ways. 1. I am approaching my 40th year this year. I think the old metabolism is slowing down. 2. I have never and probably will never crave a carrot stick. 3. I currently weight 217 lbs. In 2008 I weighted 267 lbs. From spring 2008 until winter of 2010 I got down to 191 lbs. Then in 2010, I let things go again. I gave into the cycle. I got back up to 210 lbs by January 2011. From there, it was all downhill to where I am now. (The author is right in saying that her 167 lb weight is a "dream weight" for some. It is a dream for me. My ultimate goal is to get to 135 lbs.) 4. Like her I "know how," and I had "wanted to," but then I gave into the "cravings" and stress. 5. Now I am starting over AGAIN! The cycle has repeated over and over again. I am writing this on a full stomach of Chinese take-out. One of the most unhealthy tings I could have eaten. Like a glutton I am stuffed. The same and guilt that I feel consumes me.

I am so thankful for this book and the opportunity to look at my spiritual, physical and mental journey towards health and wellness. Turning to God and relying on Jesus through this all is going to be what finally gets me to my goal. Keeping my eyes focused on Jesus and not the frozen cokes, chocolate bars, chips, French fries and other horrible foods I shovel into my body whenever the urge strikes me.

Not only am I looking forward to gaining victory over my eating habits, but I'm also looking forward to spending a quiet time with the Lord daily (something I haven't been doing) and praying, laying my struggles at the foot of the cross like a F.R.O.G. Fully, Relying, On, God, through it all.

I am a terribly slow reader and I will try very hard to keep up. I am reading two other books right now, so I will be juggling all 3. I may be a bit behind in my response to the Monday, Made To Crave, posts. But I will respond.

I found your post to be very encouraging. Thank you for your transparency. You are such an inspiration.

Thank you again for your generosity. It is greatly appreciated.


Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...


Your post blessed me beyond words. I am so inspired by your raw honesty. And, the beauty of your realness...and your faith. Your words really encouraged me and tugged at my heart. I am prompted to pray for you tonight in earnest, and feel so grateful that you are joining in this journey with us. I think you have so much to offer as we walk together.

I'm with you...know the "how to", but have lacked the "want to". Also, with you on the starting over...AGAIN. We can do this. We can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives us strength. He cares about our health and our cravings...and He wants victory for us. I'm so glad we don't have to do it alone.

Praying for you this week. Thank you again for sharing your heart with such beautiful honesty.

Love and prayers for you...

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Thoughts from Rebecca (shared in the blog frog...decided to keep them all in the same place so that we can encourage one another):

Rebecca said: "My worst temptation is also cravings and the desires to grab something easy and quick to fill the moment! Always wanting to live peacefully in my BRAIN.... but not willing to tow the course!"