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Monday, April 11, 2011

Made for More ~ (If you only read one session of Made to Crave, make it this one!)

Ladies, this section takes us to the crux of the matter. If you only read one session of Made to Crave, make it this one. Chapters Five and Six touch on the heart of it all, not just why we eat, but why we fall short in so  many ways. The very thing that holds us back, and the very key to finding freedom and experiencing victory.

One sentence...

You were made for more than this.

If you get nothing else out of this study...get that. Let that truth permeate your being and soak into your pores. You were made for more than....

Stuffing your face with unhealthy food to cover the pain of all your hurts. To fill the emptiness left behind by people who walked away, to comfort the ache of emptiness, the reality that babies die and loved ones suffer with cancer, to hide from all the ugliness and fears, to cover all the inadequacies.

More than running to the TV to escape for awhile.

More than indulging in gossip or joining in with others who tear down a fellow friend or co-worker.

More than whatever tempts you to stray...whatever makes you less than the woman He created you to be.

Whatever holds you back.

You, beautiful woman, created by God, beloved daughter of the King....You were made for more.

We need to realize and live the truth that our identity is not in every failure, every hurt, every sorrow, every sin that touches our lives. We are not defined by our circumstances, our family, our failures, our past. Our identity lies in being a new creation in Christ Jesus.

If you didn't do this during the study, take a minute and do it now. Put your name in the blank and read these truths from scripture out loud. This is who you are, dear friend:

_______________________, the forgiven child of God. (Romans 3:24)
_______________________, the set free child of God. (Romans 81-2)
_______________________, the accepted child of God. (1 Corinthians 1:2)
_______________________, the holy child of God. (1 Corinthians 1:30)
_______________________, the made-new child of God. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
_______________________, the loved child of God. (Ephesians 1:4)
_______________________, the close child of God. (Ephesians  2:13)
_______________________, the confident child of God. (Ephesians 3:12)
_______________________, the victorious child of God. (Romans 8:37)

Lysa's quote: "I was made to be set free, holy, new, loved, and confident. Because of this, I can't allow myself to partake in anything that negates my true identity. Be it a relationship in which someone makes me feel less than my true identity or a vicious food cycle that leaves me defeated and imprisoned, I must remember I was made for more."

Knowing who we are is an important key in finding freedom and victory. Next, we look toward our purpose: to know Him better. Another great quote from Lysa on pg. 59: "...growing closer to God has a whole lot less to do with any action we might take and a whole lot more to do with the positioning of our hearts toward Him."

It's a heart issue. Just like our hunger is less about meeting our physical needs and more about nourishing ourselves spiritually. We need a power bigger than ourselves to overcome the temptations and weaknesses we struggle with. The good news is that we have that power living in us, with the Holy Spirit.

So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 

We know it...now it's time to live like we know it!!

Please take some time to encourage each other in the comments and visit Kate from Called Out One to read her Made to Crave journey and show her some love. I would love to hear how you're doing. It's so important to pray for and encourage one another. Remember last week, we talked about the importance of accountability. An update on my journey: I lost three pounds this week. And, God is working in my heart as I stop filling myself with food and other stuff and reach for Him. So grateful for some victory!

Updated: Oops...I forgot to include that we will be reading Chapter Seven, Eight and Nine, talking about making peace with our bodies and (everyone's favorite subject) exercise. Good stuff. Tune in next Monday, and share your own getting healthy journey.


Unknown said...

3 pounds, that is AWESOME!! Great job! I lost 1 pound, sorta proud of it, but made bad choices last week. I love the "positioning of our hearts" sentence. Wow! I need to tell myself more often "you were made for more, you were made for more." Loving this!!

Jenilee said...

I loved this part of the book! It is an amazing truth from our loving God!

Sue said...

Way to go! You're really an inspiration! I just got the book on my Kindle app and am trying to read it whenever I can, I'm way behind this chapter. But I've been more conscientious of what I eat and have been journaling my food into www.myfitnesspal.com which tracks the calories, fat, carbs, etc. I've lost 1 pound since journaling again this week, so I'm officially down 10 lbs since starting my journey approx. 2 months ago. I hope to be more focused and determined with this book and your study!

Karen said...

The quote from Lysa "on positioning our hearts toward His" really spoke to my heart as well. She goes on to say "intentionally positioning ourselves to experience God". I so want to experience all that God has for me. I want to grow closer to Him!

On page 49 she says "We were made for Victory. Sometimes we just have to find our way to that truth." I want to find my way to that victory! I want to remember I was made for more. I want to remind myself like Lysa did that I, Karen, was made for more.

I have made some positive changes in my eating, but I do not totally have a plan right now. I have tried to omit or limit sugar in my diet and control my portions. One thing I do know is that I was/am addicted to Coke (Cola)! I have intentionally given that up and stayed away. There have been some days that I have really wanted it, but God has helped me be victorious so far!

Prayers for each of your participating!

All About the Armes' said...

I just finished this study, and it absolutely changed my life! Awesome book, awesome God! :o)

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Kate - So glad you are sticking with it anyway and not letting any setbacks get you down. It really is hard...but I am finding a lot of encouragement in this book!

Jennilee - Me too! Glad you're reading.

Sue- Congrats on the 10 pounds...that is awesome! So glad you have the book. It's really been an encouragement to me!!

Karen - I loved what Lysa said about positioning our hearts, too. So much wisdom and encouragment...I'm really enjoying this book. So glad you are reading along. And, great job on giving up Coke. Keep it up, sister.

Praying for you!