
If you are new to our site, this blog is sort of a hodge podge of our ministry and family life, and whatever else God lays on my heart to share. The Home Page above will link you to our Sufficient Grace Ministries page. You can read more about the 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and the outreaches of this ministry whose mission is to offer comfort and hope to grieving parents. The Blog button brings you to the page you are currently reading, featuring a variety of subjects...some ministry updates, some family news, and some biblically-based encouragement. The Walking With You page is a place for bereaved parents who have lost a baby or child to find encouragement and hope. It is an online support group created so that families would know they are not walking this path alone. On the Dreams of You Shop page, you can learn more about the products and services we offer, place an order, or sponsor a family. The Encouraging Women blog is a work in progress. There, we hope to offer biblically-based encouragement to all women. The Resource page has been newly updated with a list of resources that are helpful for grieving parents. Our blogroll is also located on this page. Thank you so much for visiting our site. Blessings to you...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Our Haven

Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.
They were glad when it grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven.
Psalm 107: 28-30

Whatever the trouble you face today, cry out to the Lord...He will bring you out of your distress. Whatever storm swirls around your life today...He can still it to a whisper. Whatever sea of pain, grief, doubt or fear threatens to steal your hope and your joy today...he can hush the tumultuous waves. However lost you may feel...He will guide you to your desired haven.

My heart is heavy today for those who are facing this holiday season without someone they love...for the mothers and fathers without their babies, for the children without their mothers, for the children without their fathers, for the sisters without their brothers, for the husbands without their wives and the wives without their husbands, for the families shattered by divorce, regret, debt, unfaithfulness, loss, depression...for the longing hearts of those still waiting for their family to begin, for the disappointed, the lost, those still waiting with dreams unfulfilled, for those we love that are battling cancer and other illnesses that plague our earthly bodies.

Whoever you are and whatever you face...there is hope today for you. There is One who can carry you through the storm, who will hold unto you in the tumultuous sea. One who will guide you to the peace you desire...to the haven of peace you long for. That haven is never far away from those who call on the name of Jesus...for the haven you desire waits for you in His loving arms.

Praying God's comfort, grace, hope, and peace for so many caught in the storm today...He will carry you...


Megan said...

hi lady....i added you to my blog. i am weeeks from having an official site, but plan to have the blog tab on it, and have links to bereavement support. i hope many learn about you there.

i want to call but am a mad women this week. with my silent auction/macsen's birthday Home only a week away i am busy, to say the least. soon though....

merry christmas, and thank you for your obedience to Him. ~megan

heidi said...

Hey Kelly, thanks so much for your comment!=) As I just read this post, I looked at the date you wrote it and the time...I wrote something very similar...same time, same date. Funny how the Lord lays things on the hearts of His children...anyway, I was blessed by this. We've been going through some very difficult times lately...financially speaking, and Saturday night I found myself pouring my heart out to God, knowing He is faithful in the darkest hours. My post is titled, "I cling to the cross." (ps I just added your link to mine, I know many ladies who read my blog will be so blessed by yours;)~Heidi