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Monday, August 4, 2008

Why I Love Golf....

The love affair began with the first ping....the beautiful sound of the club connecting with the sweet spot of the round dimpled ball. And it happened...the glorious white sphere flew up into the air and soared against the blue sky just like it was meant to do. Never mind that it took so many agonizing chunks and duffs and whiffs that resulted in the ball rolling a few feet in front of me before it happened. Never mind that I had only made the beautiful connection once out of fifty swings. Never mind that sweat was dripping down the side of my face and my arms were aching. It was too late...I was forever bound with this exhilarating, exasperating, humbling, enticing, equalizing game they call golf. That night, I stayed at the ladies' golf clinic (the one Tim had encouraged me to attend) long after everyone else left...long after blisters formed on my hands and they started bleeding. I asked for a band-aid and kept swinging.

I know what you girly-girls are thinking...ewww sweat....ewww blood! Let me tell you something...I am the queen of girly-girls. I was the girl in gym class that made the athletic boys groan with impatience when it was my turn at bat in wiffle ball. I am not one who regularly works out. I am not very coordinated and no one would ever mistake me for being athletic. The thing is, most of my life, I have avoided making attempts at sports or anything that I knew I wouldn't be particularly good at. And here's the reason...I can't stand to not master something. It's fine for me to say I wouldn't be very good at something I've never tried before...but it's another thing altogether for me to try and fail. It drives me crazy to not "be good" at something once I've tried it. I'm not competitive with others so much as myself...I want to do my best.

I know...prideful and petty though it may seem...God is using this pathetic trait of mine for good in my life. And learning to step out and try things that are not in my comfort zone is part of His plan for me. After all, our determination and perseverance comes from having high standards of excellence. And, while the Lord is often allowing me to be humbled and reminded of my imperfections and incompetencies despite my strong bent toward perfectionism...I press on.

Like so many who have fallen into the captivating clutches of the seductive game of golf, I decided to work at this game so that I could get better (or at least not completely embarrass my family on the course). And in the process, I have become utterly and completely smitten with golf.

Our entire family golfs. Tim...who incidentally is good at everything he does... a natural athlete with high standards of his own. The difference is that he is almost always able to achieve the standards with his grace and quiet, strong confidence. Timothy...who shares many of his father's athletic traits (except that he golfs and plays baseball left-handed)...he eats, sleeps and breathes golf...his attention to detail and mental focus ...his swing is beautiful, smooth and graceful and he has learned so many lessons that are applicable to life as he grows on his journey toward manhood. James...who at age seven hits the ball about the same distance as his mama...he has a natural swing, and a sweet serious, focused look in his eyes as he approaches the ball. He has learned so much on the course about patience, selflessness, waiting your turn, respecting others, self-control and being quiet (which doesn't happen anywhere else in his life...the quiet part, I mean!)

And me...sometimes I can really hit it, and most times I really CAN'T! When I can't, I'll be in the back yard until after dark trying to do it right. Does that mean I do it well? No...but I won't give up. The other important note: all of my clubs, bag, hat and accessories are pink, cute and girly...even my golf balls. Girl-style is encouraged in golf. The best part of my golf swing is my follow-through. Whatever happens in the beginning and the middle, it all seems to fall together in the end. I guess that's kind of indicative of our walk with the Lord...lots of stuff happens in between the beginning of our lives and the end. He uses all of it...the good, the bad, and the ugly...he shapes and molds, comforts and heals, forgives and cleanses, grows and strengthens us...gently making us into a new creation in Him. And because of Jesus, when the Father sees us ...we look just like we were created to be...and everything just falls into place. We are beauty from ashes to Him...we were the joy set before Jesus...His reason for enduring the cross, despite the shame. And because of Him...for those of us who have placed our trust in Jesus, our follow through...our ending is perfect and secure.

More reasons why I love golf...

1. The golf course is like land-scaping art work. It's a display of God's creation that truly, majestically honors the Creator. The different shades of green contrasting against the blue skies. The trees gently blowing in the breeze. The fluffy clouds...the rolling hills. It's breath-taking. It fills me with peace.

2.Because it's something my family loves. We can enjoy being together...learning patience, humility, integrity, and grace at the hands of this marvelous sport.

3. Golf is revealing. If you golf with someone, you can peek into the windows of that person's heart and soul. What kind of personality do they have? Do they have a temper? Are they honest? How honest? Are they thoughtful? Detail oriented? Focused or easily distracted?

4. Golf is humbling...even those who are very good at it can have a bad shot, a bad round. Behind every joyous, victorious success there are several moments of discouragement and defeat.

5. Golf is a test of will, mental strength, and perseverance. How much are you willing to endure? Can you shake off the bad shots? Can you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again?

6. Just when you are about to give up...just when you think your love for this game could turn to hate...it happens...that perfect ping and soaring ball. And your hope and determination are renewed. And you vow to press on in your quest, not to master but to relish the game.

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