
If you are new to our site, this blog is sort of a hodge podge of our ministry and family life, and whatever else God lays on my heart to share. The Home Page above will link you to our Sufficient Grace Ministries page. You can read more about the 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and the outreaches of this ministry whose mission is to offer comfort and hope to grieving parents. The Blog button brings you to the page you are currently reading, featuring a variety of subjects...some ministry updates, some family news, and some biblically-based encouragement. The Walking With You page is a place for bereaved parents who have lost a baby or child to find encouragement and hope. It is an online support group created so that families would know they are not walking this path alone. On the Dreams of You Shop page, you can learn more about the products and services we offer, place an order, or sponsor a family. The Encouraging Women blog is a work in progress. There, we hope to offer biblically-based encouragement to all women. The Resource page has been newly updated with a list of resources that are helpful for grieving parents. Our blogroll is also located on this page. Thank you so much for visiting our site. Blessings to you...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Missing You

In case you haven't noticed, The Beauty of Sufficient Grace has moved to a new address at http://blog.sufficientgraceministries.org and changed to Wordpress. Unfortunately, I didn't do the best job at announcing where to find us, and also letting you know that you have to update your reader or whatever you use with the new address, if you'd like to keep in touch with us. Also, Google has made many changes with Friend Connect, which also hasn't helped the dilemma. All blogs without blogger addresses are no longer included. We don't have a large number of followers, and readership has dropped since switching to Wordpress (because I think we've been lost already to some!) but certainly don't want to lose track of those who are still visiting.  We love connecting with all of you. I posted on our new blog about how you can follow the Sufficient Grace Blog at Bloglovin'. I hope you'll join us there. So far, only 11 of the close to 400 followers have found us there! =) 1. We've joined Bloglovin' and you can follow there by clicking the link above. 2. If you're not already subscribing by email, you can do so by signing up on the right sidebar. After entering your email address, you will have to verify the subscription with the email they send you. Then you will automatically receive updates from The Sufficient Grace Blog directly to your inbox! If you are currently subscribing, you do not have to do anything...you will continue to receive emails from our blog. 3. You can click the link on the top right to Follow the RSS Feed. 4. You can also follow Sufficient Grace Ministries on Facebook. Thanks for those who are still reading: You are a blessing and encouragement to us. And, we pray that we can be a blessing to you, as well. Love to all....

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